Devonport England
On the 6th of january they reached Teneriffe -
Cape Verde, Porto Praya
He found goats and a few cows -
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
There were hundreds of animals in the sea next to them -
Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina
The bay was a good success -
Maldonado, Uruguay
It enters the sea about three hundred miles south of the estuary of the plata -
Buenos Aires, Argentina
He pasted reddish clay and highly calcareous marly rocks -
Post St. Argentina
The sea was formming cliffs -
Bay Of S. Carlos, Chile
At midnight the volcano erupted -
Valdivia, Chile
A bad earthquake at once destroys our oldest associations -
Concepcion, Chile
The coast looked so bad like a thousand of ship wrecks -
Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
We found a new island 5000 to 6000 feet long -
Tahiti Island, French Polynesia
We anchored Matavai Bay -
Sydney, Australia
A solitary ligthhouse, built of white stone -
Cocos Island
Six hundred miles distant from the coast of Sunatra -
Port Louis,Mauritius
Small forts and guns fill up every gap in the rugged rocks -
We saw lots of black rocks on the coast -
Falmouth, England
I left the Beagle