

  • first thoughts

    first thoughts
    People started realizing the similarites between monkeys and man.
  • Carolus Linnaeus

    Carolus Linnaeus
    this man belived god made all species but noticed that species adapted over time.
  • Maupertuis

    natural modifications occurring during reproduction and accumulating over many generations to produce new species.
  • natural selection

    natural selection
    a paper by darwin included in this book
  • paper on evolution

    paper on evolution
    Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation was published and helped darwin.
  • Darwin

    Charles Darwin published "On the Origin of Species" whcih changed the thoughts of many and also made many relgous people vary mad by saying we evalved from apes.
  • Gregor Mendel

    Gregor Mendel
    this man descoverd traits and inheritan traits
  • piltdown man

    piltdown man
    piltdown man was a ape like man descovered in the late 19th century.
  • Relgions?

    in the early 20th century some relgions accepted evolution. But sadly many still dont and they belive god created us.
  • plants

    In 1903 scientist pove that trees evolve to these sientist based this off of darwins theory.
  • la bera tar pit women

    la bera tar pit women
    was a ape like person found in the le bera tar pits in californa she was the frist known murder she was hit on the head with a rock than tossed in the tar pits and stayed there for 10,000 to 9,000 years.
  • Taung child

    Taung child
    The Taung child was a infint found in the early 20th century in some caves in China. The remains date back to 2,500,000 years ago.
  • Scope trials

    Scope trials
    The scope trials took evolution out of text books,
  • DNA

    In the 1930s modern synthetics proves evolution.
  • evolution picture

    evolution picture
    the picture of a ape turing into a man came out.