Puritans from Massachusetts become founders of the first public school that teaches religion -
Carl von Hinne
Carl von Hinne tries to classify all life on earth by separating organisms into kingdoms, classes, orders, genera, and species -
Ben Franklin
Ben Franklin invents the lightning conductor -
US independence
United States declares independence from Great Britain -
William Paley
William Paley writes about god’s existence and how he contributed to the creation of life, as some organs, such as the eye, are so complex -
End of Roman Empire
Official end of the Roman Empire -
Darwin born
Darwin is born and within a few years decides to shape his life off of his interest in nature -
George Cuvier
French naturalist George Cuvier attempts to explain the extraordinary fossils of extinct creatures found in many mines and canals -
Darwin sails
Charles Darwin sets off at sea on his voyage that would bring him around the world. Even though his intent was to spend his life in a clergy, he ultimately brings back fossils that end up being the basis of evolution -
Lord Kelvin
Lord Kelvin (Wililam Thomson) estimates that the earth is about 100 million years old. He later widens his estimate to 20 to 400 million years. -
Darwin's book
Charles Darwin writes, On the Origin of Species, which turns out to be one of the most influential books about the theory of evolution. In the book he explains natural selection -
Gregor Mendel
Gregor Mendel publishes a book about heredity and genes -
Acceptance of evolution
Soon after Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, people begin to accept evolution. Magazines, newspapers, and religious “publications” accept it. -
Abe Lincoln shot
President Abraham Lincoln is assassinated -
Charles Hodge
Charles Hodge calles Darwin’s idea atheism, as it goes against the theory that god created everything -
Darwin burried
Darwin’s body is buried in Westminster Abbey near Sir Isaac Newton’s grave -
Wright brothers
Wright brothers make first flight -
World War 1 starts
World War 1 starts -
Bible in schools
A fundamentalist movement enforces the practice of the bible in public schools -
No theroies in schools against the bible
Tennessee legislature passes a bill that makes it so public schools can’t teach theories that go against the bible -
New Deal
Teddy Roosevelt introduces the New Deal -
World War 2
Germany invades Poland which starts World War 2 -
Low point for evolution
Teaching of evolution is at a very low point, as textbooks are censored by commercial concerns and anti-evolutionist regulations -
Ghandi Killed
Ghandi is assassinated in India -
Pope Pius XII
Pope Pius XII explores the theory of evolution and considers it “worthy of an in-depth study.” -
Evolution arguments
Arguments are constructed that argue to theory of evolution as there is “irrieducible complexity” on earth that cannot be explained -
Columbine high school
In a Columbine high school, students “lose their moral bearings.” Tom DeLay, Congressmen of Texas, believes that the “moral decline” is due to the teaching of evolution. “Our school systems teach the children that they are nothing but glorified apes who are evolutionized out of some primordial soup.” -
Kansas drops evolution in schools
Kansas schools drop evolution as a science topic in their schools -
Templeton Prize
Rev. Cannon Dr. Arthur Peacocke receives the Templeton prize. Peacocke acts as the median between religion and science -
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