
  • Bishop Ussher

    James Ussher of Ireland found out that Earth's and heaven's creation happened in 4004 b.c.
  • Spontaneous Generation

    New magnificance materials are used by scientists in their investigations.
  • Linnaeus´s

    Linnaeu's system separated life into kingdoms, clases, orders, genera, and species.
  • Comte de Bufon

    Georges Louis Lecierc suggested that all animals came from an same ancestror.
  • Natural theology

    Archdeacon Willian Paley's said that was not only God's existence, but another factors that nature give.
  • Lamarck

    Jean-Baptist de Lamarck proposes that living things became more complex through time.
  • Cuvier

    In the 19th century, they found fossils of strange and extincted animals. Georges Cuvier tried to explain what happened. He said that catatrophes changed the actual animals bodies to what theys aw in the fossils.
  • Lyell

    Lyell explained that Earth was really old and changed over time. He helped Darwin to make up his theory of the evolution of species.
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    Beagle Voyage

    Darwin went in a trip to the Beagle Island to study and after 5 years, he went back to Europe.
  • Neanderthal

    A neanderthal fossil is found in Germany guiding to a debate to see if humans where descendents from Adam and Eva
  • Wallace

    Wallence wrote a latter to Darwin explaining his theory, Darwin was shocked of how closer Wallence theory was from his. This is what made Darwin to publish his book The Origin of Species.
  • Origin of Species

    Darwin published his book, it was one of the first books to challenge the Biblical Theory.
  • Ape debate

    After Darwin publish the Origin of Species, many scientists start to critic Darwin theory, Huxley defended Darwinism in the Ape debate and now is know as Darwin's Bulldog.
  • Evolution Accepted

    Some years after the Origin of Species, Darwin's theory (Natural Selection) is finally accepted in the society.
  • Decedent of man

    Unlike in the Origin of Species, Darwin is now focused in human descendence. He also talks about the importance of sexual selection.
  • Horse Fossils

    Marsh recently found an ancient horse ancestor, with 4 fingers. Together Huxley and Marsh predicted that another ancestor, olderm should have 5 fingers. Months later, this fossil is found.
  • Darwin's burial

    Darwin's body is laid to rest in a place of honor. Near Sir Isaac Newton.
  • Radioactivity

    Antoine Henry Bacquerel discovers radioactivity, what leads scientists to calculate Earth's age. They found that Earth is 4.3 millions old. Many time for Darwin's evolution to occur.
  • Pilldown man

    The link between the primates and humans was a skull named Piltdown seemed to be this link. However, in 1950, the fossil is reveales as fake.
  • First anti evolution bill

    It is consider unaproprieted to think that human descend from any type of lower life.
  • man like ape

    Raymond Dart annunces that a pre-historic "man like ape" has be found in a limestone quarry at Taungs, South Africa.
  • Textbooks Censored

    Evolution is removed from Biology books.
  • Tennessee Law

    Tennessee legislature passes a bill that makes it misdemeanor for public schools teachers to teach anything that contradict the creation of the World not according to the Bible.
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    Anti-evolution bills

    Teachers are cannot teach about evolution.
  • Neo Darwinism

    New data was added to Dawin's theory, they found out that mutations can also change animals bodies, if the mutation helps the specie to survive, in this case, is evolution is called adaptation.
  • Evolution Shunned

    At this point, without any evolution book, the evolution education hits a really down point.
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    Supreme court

    The supreme court decided that any city, state, or region should create laws that obligate people to believe in one specific religion.
  • Pope pios XII

    Pope Pius XV created a misture between evolution and religion. The body was created by existent living matter, teh soul, was created by goal.
  • Origins of life

    Stallen Muller an student created Amino Acids, which could be done with almost the same method in ancient Earth, creating the first living things.
  • DNA

    Scientists finally found out what is the DNA and how it is made.
  • Human and Apes

    They found out that humans have much percent of the DNA like teh Africa Apes (gorilas and chimps).
  • Supreme Court on Evolution

    One teacher teach about evolution in schools, this case came for the Supreme Court, and the teaching of evolution was banned from all public schools.
  • DNA codes

    Now is easier to see the DNA codes and stidy them. As a result, many scientists saw how the DNA of animals changed as they evoluted.
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    Textbook disclaimer

    Now, teachers can teach about evolution, but allways need to say that evolution is a theory, not a fact.
  • Pop John Paul II

    Pop John Paul II open the doors of acceptance of Evolution to the Catholic World, saying that body and spirit where different things.
  • Science Standards

    The majority states of USA where teaching about evolutio, and 4 states not.
  • Human Genome

    For first time we can see the complete set of genes in the DNA. We discovered that we do not only share 98% of ours genes with chimpazes, but we also have common genes with fruit flies!