Paul bettany as charles darwin


  • james usher

    james usher
    james usher 1581-1686 fixed the date of creation at 4004 bc at 9:00 am was his proclamation
  • john ray

    john ray
    the concept of genus and species was actually developed in the late 1600s by john ray 1627-1705
  • carolus linnaeus

    carolus linnaeus
    carolus linnaeus 1707-1778 a swedish botanist was troubled that plant hybrids could be created by cross polination linnaes stopped short of concluding these plants evolved
  • carolus linneaus

    carolus linneaus
    his most impornant contribution to science was his logical classification for all living things which he proposed in his boomk systema naturae first published in 1735
  • comte de buffon

    comte de buffon
    comte de buffon 1707-1788 actually said that living things do change through time
  • comte de buffon

    comte de buffon
    believed that the earth was older than 6000 years old in 1774 he speculated that the earth must be at least 75000 years old
  • james hutton

    james hutton
    james hutton 1726-1797 considered the father of modern geology postulated somethign similar to natural selection in an investigation of the principals of knowledge
  • erasmus darwin

    erasmus darwin
    wrote ideas about evolution in poems and a publication entilted the laws of organic life 1794-1796
  • charles darwin and alfred russell wallace

    charles darwin and alfred russell wallace
    both independently developed the idea of the mechanism of natural selection after reading the essay on the principal of population 1798
  • jean baptiste lamarck

    jean baptiste lamarck
    jean baptiste lamarck 1744-1829 the idea most commonly associated with him today is the idea of the inheritance of acquired characteristicts
  • william charles wells

    william charles wells
    an american physicist of schottish descent named william charles wells 1757-1817 presented a paper in 1813 on natural selection that could count for different skin colors among people
  • charles lyell

    charles lyell
    in his three volume principals of geology 1830-1833 he documented that the earth must be very old and it has been subject to the same sort of natural process in the past as it is today
  • patrick mathew

    patrick mathew
    patrick mathew 1790-1874 proposed similar natural selection idea in 1831 in his book on naval timber and arboriculture
  • edwars blyth

    edwars blyth
    some authors argued that edward blyth 1810-1873 developed the idea for selection in an 1835 newspaper
  • alfred russell wallace

    alfred russell wallace
    had same theorey as darwin but darwin but had joint paper with darwin presented to the linean society of london in 1858
  • origin of species

    origin of species
    presented in 1859 by darwin on his theories
  • mathews letter

    mathews letter
    darwin was not aware of mathews book until 1860 when mathew wrote a letter tothe gardners chronicle and agricultural gazette
  • magazine of natural history

    magazine of natural history
    eisley and grote claimed that the leading tenants of darwins work the struggle for existence variation natural selection and sexual selection aren all fully expressed in blyths 1935 paper
  • paul pearson

    paul pearson
    paul pearson pointed out the early works of james hutton in review in nature in 2003
  • immanuel kant

    immanuel kant
    immanuel kant 1724-1804 developed a concept of descent that is relatively close to modern thinking