Historia de la computadora 41

Evolucion de la computadoras

  • La red de mensajería télex entra en línea Redes y la web

    La red de mensajería télex entra en línea Redes y la web
    Like the Volkswagen Beetle and modern freeway systems, the Telex messaging network comes out of the early period of Germany’s Third Reich
  • Un cálculo lógico de las ideas inmanentes en la actividad nerviosa

    Un cálculo lógico de las ideas inmanentes en la actividad nerviosa
    Two scientists, Warren S. McCulloch and Walter H. Pitts, publish the groundbreaking paper A Logical Calculus of the Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity.
  • Grimsdale y Webb construyen una computadora transistorizada temprana

    Grimsdale y Webb construyen una computadora transistorizada temprana
    Working under Tom Kilburn at England’s Manchester University, Richard Grimsdale and Douglas Webb demonstrate a prototype transistorized computer, the "Manchester TC", on November 16, 1953. The 48-bit machine used 92 point-contact transistors and 550 diodes.

    ASCII — American Standard Code for Information Interchange — permits machines from different manufacturers to exchange data.
  • Nacimiento de redes móviles modernas

    Nacimiento de redes móviles modernas
    In 1973, ARPA funds the outfitting of a packet radio research van at SRI to develop standards for a Packet Radio Network (PRNET).
  • Apple presenta la computadora Lisa

    Apple presenta la computadora Lisa
    Lisa is the first commercial personal computer with a graphical user interface (GUI). It was thus an important milestone in computing as soon Microsoft Windows and the Apple Macintosh would soon adopt the GUI as their user interface, making it the new paradigm for personal computing.
  • Doom es lanzado

    Doom es lanzado
    An immersive first-person shooter-style game, Doom becomes popular on many different platforms.
  • Eve OnLine es lanzado

    Eve OnLine es lanzado
    Massive Multi-player Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPG) begins to blossom with the advent of faster computers with ever-better graphics.
  • Microsoft presenta Xbox One

    Microsoft presenta Xbox One
    Microsoft had not released a new version of the Xbox for almost eight years when it introduces the Xbox One.