Evolución de la Física. Made by Juan Esteban Jaramillo

By JuanEJN
  • 600 BCE

    Early Greek scientists

    The Greeks were the first to try to explain the motion of the planets and stars. This accommodating the principle of astronomy. Thales of Miletus (624-547 B.C.) was the first Greek astronomer-mathematician, considered by many to be the first scientist of humanity.
  • 600 BCE

    in continuity with a previous theme regarding the first Greek scientists

    The Greeks Pythagoras and Empedocles (492-430 BC) were also of great importance in these times, as they provided their knowledge for the development of physics, however, it is still speculated that perhaps the first physicist of the story was Anaxagoras (between 500 and 430 BC).
  • Period: 500 BCE to 1500

    Beginnings of physics (6th century BC-16th century AD)

    Before Greek civilization, it is not known if there was any interest in trying to understand or explain nature, because more efficient was the knowledge inclined towards the practical: how to build and combat enemies, hunt and sow, and knowing what plants or remedies to use to relieve aches and pains.
  • 400 BCE

    First atomic theory

    It is estimated that the most important contribution of the Greeks of the 5th century BC. of C. was the atomic theory, conceived by Leucipo and later developed by Democritus of Abdera (born in 460 BC). According to Democritus' proposal, if a piece of matter were to be divided continuously, it would reach a point where it would be indivisible: the atom.
  • 300 BCE

    Aristotle: the first influential scientist

    Aristotle is undoubtedly the Greek who was most concerned with the search for knowledge in the fourth century BC. of C. Born in 385 a. of C. in Estagira, Aristotle created his own school in Athens, the Lyceum. The intellectual orientation of the Lyceum was predominantly scientific. Aristotle sought the explanation of phenomena based on the natural world.
  • 300 BCE

    Euclid and mathematics

    Euclid (325-265 BC) was a great Greek mathematician during the height of Hellenic culture. Euclid's Elements of Geometry served as the basis for the studies that Isaac Newton would later cover. This allows us to visualize that mathematics and physics were, go and always will lead each other.
  • 200 BCE

    Archimedes: a lever to move the world

    From Archimedes (287-212 BC) we can mainly emphasize that he worked on statics and hydrostatics, as well as astronomy and optics. He is credited with the phrase "give me a foothold and I will move the world."
  • 100

    Ptolemy and the geocentric model

    Ptolemy (AD 85-165) was a famous Egyptian philosopher and astronomer of the second century of the Christian era. His greatest contribution was the geocentric model, which stated that Earth is the center of the solar system. It should be noted that their system prevailed for almost 1400 years.
  • 1400

    continuing with "The Sun as the center of the universe"

    Simultaneously, Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) proposed the three laws of planetary motion between 1609 and 1618. In them he established that the planets of the solar system move in elliptical orbits. In addition, it should be mentioned that Kepler also contributed to the study of the physics of optics.
  • 1400

    The Sun as the center of the universe

    Nicolas Copernicus (1473-1543) challenged the geocentric vision of Aristotle and Ptolemy by proposing the heliocentric planetary system, in which, unlike their aforementioned predecessors, this system will recognize the sun as the center of everything, around which the Earth and the other planets rotate.
  • 1500

    Galileo: the birth of classical physics

    For Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), the primary focus of physics was its reliance on observations and experimental evidence. Galilei improved the construction of the telescope, with which he could see the mountains of the Moon and Jupiter's satellites. In addition to this, he supported with his discoveries the heliocentric theory of Copernicus.
  • Period: 1500 to

    First revolution of physics (XVI-XVIII centuries)

  • Newton's physical laws

    In too wide a range, Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was the man who revolutionized physics. Famous for the law of universal gravitation, he also spelled out the laws of motion. Among other contributions, Isaac described optical phenomena such as the nature and decomposition of light and the color of bodies, as he also developed differential and integral calculus. He also built a reflection telescope among other things to mention.
  • Period: to

    New age of physics (XVIII-XIX centuries)

    Los grandes aportes a la física que siguieron a Newton fueron el descubrimiento del átomo y las leyes de los gases por John Dalton y la fundación de la fisicoquímica por Amedeo Avogadro. Los estudios de electricidad (Benjamin Franklin, 1706-1790) que se desarrollaron en los siglos XVIII y XIX. Y no menos importante, la acústica y la teoría del sonido (Jonh William Strutt 1842-1919).
  • Radiations everywhere

    And ending this last decade of the 19th century, the discovery of X-rays (Wilhelm Röntgen 1845-1923), and radioactivity (Henri Becquerel 1852-1908, Marie Curie 1867-1934 and Pierre Curie 1859-1906) should be highlighted.
  • Energy and thermodynamics

    In the early 19th century, the terms energy and strength were used as synonyms. Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholz (1821-1894) conceived the principle of conservation of energy, later called "the first law of thermodynamics". The second law of thermodynamics was proposed by Rudolf Clausius (1822-1888).
  • Waves and particles

    The works of James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) unified the phenomena of electricity, magnetism and light in one field: electromagnetism, being Maxwell who showed for the first time that electromagnetic radiation consists of waves.
  • Relativity

    Albert Einstein (1879-1955) published his general theory of relativity in 1916, revolutionizing the vision of matter, space, energy, and time of the Newtonian era. The theory of relativity establishes that energy and mass are equivalent, as expressed by the famous equation E = mc2, where c is the speed of light.
  • The theory of the origin of the universe

    Georges Lemaître (1894-1966) was later fascinated with Einstein's theory. Consequently, Lemaître proposed in 1933 that the universe was expanding after the explosion of a primordial atom. It was directly Edwin Powell Hubble (1889-1953) who discovered in 1929 that galaxies external to the Milky Way galaxy were receding. Thus, The Big Bang Theory Enhanced by George Gamow (1904-1968) is the most widely accepted explanation of the origin of the universe among physicists today.
  • The quanta and their mechanics

    In 1901, Max Planck (1858-1947) proposed the energetic quanta, small wave packets, that would become the basis of quantum physics. Werner Karl Heisenberg (1901-1976), Erwin Schrödinger (1887-1961), and Paul Dirac (1902-1984) are considered the creators of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is, to this day, the theory that explains all physical phenomena.
  • The energy of the atom

    When an atom breaks down, a chain reaction occurs that releases energy. This phenomenon explains the strength of an atomic bomb and the energy use in a nuclear power station. In contrast to the aforementioned, it is annexed that the first nuclear reactor to be activated was Chicago Pile-1, in December 1942, built to produce plutonium as a nuclear weapon.
  • Forces within the core

    The union between protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom was discovered by Hideki Yukawa (1907-1981). Yukawa proposed the strong nuclear force as the force that keeps compressed protons inside the nucleus. Thanks to this, mesons are discovered, which are particles that interchange between protons and neutrons.
  • Period: to

    Quantum revolution (20th century)

  • Period: to

    Nuclear physics (20th century)

    It must be recognized that the first step in nuclear physics was taken by Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937). In his renowned experiment, by bombarding nitrogen with a certain type of particle, he converted it to oxygen. It was the first transformation from one element to another.
  • The laser

    The word laser, or more directly and concisely, light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, was created in 1957 by Charles Townes (1915-2015). Today the laser has multiple uses, such as in DVD and CD players, fiber optic communications and in surgery.
  • Period: to

    Recent advances in physics

  • and already ending with the large hadron collider

    With the GCH, physicists seek to analyze the particles that are produced by colliding proton rays. This is how on July 4, 2012 the Higgs particle or the Higgs boson was detected for the first time. This event brought to light one of the fundamental particles in the standard model of particle physics.
  • The Large Hadron Collider

    The large GCH hadron collider is the world's largest high-energy particle accelerator. The GCH was built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research on the border of France and Switzerland. It consists of a tunnel with a circumference of 27 kilometers. The GCH was designed primarily to produce collisions between proton beams. The rays travel within the circular tunnel guided by powerful electric magnets.