Evolucion de la Crisis Ambiental

  • 7000 BCE

    Destruction of lush forests by Middle East cultures

  • 1500 BCE

    Soil erosion caused by growth of Central American cities

  • 1275

    Marco Polo brings coal to Europe

  • First Gas Lights

    First Gas Lights
    This manufactured gas would be widely used in the US and Europe, creating a residual potential coal tar on the 21st centuary.
  • New York bans use of batteries

    New York bans use of batteries
    The use of these guns for duck hunting is banned but repealed by the next year.
  • US Congress enacts Shipowner's Limitation of Liability Act

    The Congress limited the liability in the event of accidents such as oil spills.
  • Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) discovered

    Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) discovered
    First added to gasoline as an octane booster in 1921, it is later banned. Until 2012 it was possible to remove lead from gasoline.
  • Prof. Augustine Mouchot built a solar machine

  • US Civil War creates environmental problems

  • John Tyndall explains the greenhouse effect

    John Tyndall explains the greenhouse effect
  • The term Ecology is coined by Ernst Haeckel

  • John D. Rockefeller incorporates the Standard Oil Company.

  • Worst forest fire in North American history

    The fire raged through northeastern Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, killing thousands of people.
  • Othman Zeider discovers chemical formula for the insecticide DDT

    Othman Zeider discovers chemical formula for the insecticide DDT
  • Norway tracks first traces of acid rain

  • August Arrhenius is the first to predict global warming from fossil fuel

    August Arrhenius is the first to predict global warming from fossil fuel
  • Almost all US towns have sewers

    Towns with a population over 4000 have this system.