34,000 BCE
First Cave Painting
The first cave painting that we have a date for is in the Chauvet Cave in France, and it depicts a plethora of native animals. Although it has no color, the contour lines are very realistic. -
3500 BCE
Sumerians Begin Written Languages
The Kish Tablet is proof of when Sumerians started their written language, and it only lasted for about 1,500 years. It was replaced by Akkadian. -
Publication of First Newspaper
This media began in Germany, where 'Account of all distinguished and commemorable news' was published by Johann Carolus, and he published a new issue by the week. -
First Permanent Photograph
The first photograph was actually taken in 1814, but this was the first one that was successfully developed. It is simply of a few buildings outside a window. -
Telegrams Change Communication
The first telegraph message was sent from Washington D.C. to Baltimore by its inventor, Samuel Morse. It simply read, "What hath God wrought." -
Movies Take Over Screens
The first feature film was an Australian one called "The Story of the Kelly Lang." It was only 60 minutes long, which isn't even feature length nowadays. -
Electronic Televisions begin
Philo Farnsworth had spent years of his life conceive his amazing machine, until he finally presented it for the first time in San Diego. A radio company even invested $50 million into his invention. -
Invention of the Video
The VTR (Video Tape Recorder) was invented for practical use by Charles Ginsburg. His methods were perfected by 1956, when the first of his invention for $50,000 -
Emails Advance Messaging
Ray Tomlinson sent an email between two nearby computers in the same room, using the computer network ARPANET. Ray was actually most well known for creating the @ symbol. -
Arcade Games are Born
Pong was the first video game, and it began in an arcade console. This game would be one of few arcade games that get remade into console games. -
Computers Go Mobile
The Osborne 1 was the first true folding laptop computer. It weighed about 25 pounds, cost $1795, had a portable battery sold separately, and had a 5-inch long screen. -
Cell Phones Connect Everyone
The Motorola DynaTAC 8000X was released to the public for $4,000 a piece.The battery life only lasted for half an hour. -
Internet Goes Public
The internet was born due to the mind and work of Tim Berners-Lee. He originally designed it for physicists to compare their work, and share their findings, without having to use the same software. -
DVDs Revolutionize Film
DVDs left other film-recording media in the dust, as it was smaller, faster, and had better picture and sound than Laser Disk or VHS. Phillips and Sony were caught in a format war, because there had to be a universal system in order for the product to function. -
Social Media Takes Over
Six Degrees was the first social media site, but it wasn't until the creation of Facebook that social media really took off. These two sites came out 7 years apart.