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The Evil Dead Movie Timeline
The history of Evil Dead 1 explained. -
The Naturan Demanto is found.
The first archeologists find the Naturan Demanto, which is the copy of the original Necronomicon, it was found in the Kandar Castle. Naturan Demanto. (n.d.). Evil Dead Props. Retrieved October 17, 2014, from http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-kQwJY2WC098/UVDRdYuMRAI/AAAAAAAACAw/Nuilx1zIpck/s320/Booooooooook.jpg -
The translation of the book
The archeologists rents a cheap cabin in Morristown (Tennessee) and translates the incantations of the Naturan Dememanto. Book Translation. (n.d.). Translation Company. Retrieved October 17, 2014, from http://www.translationcompany.org/data_images/Book%20letters001.jpg -
The Kandarian Demon attacks.
The Kandarian Demon from the Naturan Demanti possesses the archeologist wife and he is forced to kill her. Then, the archeologist, scared and weak, drives away from the place in order to save his soul but the Kandarian Demon, eventually causes his death. Kandarian Demon. (n.d.). Bayareagghostbusters. Retrieved October 18, 2014, from http://www.bayareaghostbusters.com/DD1_copyrth_op_800x468.jpg -
The Kandarian Demon still lurks.
After the mysterious death of the archeologist who first found the Naturan Demanto, the Kandarian Demon hides and lurks around in the woods around this cabin. Evil Dead Woods. (n.d.). TurnTheRightCorner. Retrieved October 18, 2014, from http://turntherightcorner.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/evil-dead-2013-cabin-in-the-woods.jpg -
Evil Dead incident,
Many years later, Ashley J. Williams, his sister Cheryl (gifted with ESP power), his girlfriend Linda and his friends Scott & Shelly rent the same cabin and without warnings unleash the Kandarian Demon.Evil Dead. (n.d.). Doblu. Retrieved October 18, 2014, from http://www.doblu.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/evildead58.jpg -
The Naturan Demanto is destroyed.
The Naturan Demanto is finally destroyed by Ashley, after the brutal deaths of his sister, Linda, Scott and Shelly. Evil Dead Ending. (n.d.). Evil Dead. Retrieved October 18, 2014, from http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-aLaB_aD4G7k/T1OkSHS_0JI/AAAAAAAAJpM/XJF_vrLK99E/s1600/sting3.jpg -
Kandarian Demon Dissapears forever
Now the Kandarian Demon has a limited time to survive in the living world, since the specific incantations from the Naturan Demanto is bound it to the physical existence of the book. It attacks Ashley Williams, before vanishing forever. Ash is able to survive, and was rescued.1979 Cabin, Delta 88 Oldsmobile. (n.d.). The Evil Dead. Retrieved October 18, 2014, from http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-T3pQnXpRUw0/UVDSrkiM7AI/AAAAAAAAKoA/Opv4Ct2huu0/s1600/The-Evil-Dead-1981-cabin-Delta-88-Oldsmobile.png -
After the events of Morristown
The events of Morristown are investigated. At first, Ashley is wrongly accussed as the serial-killer. Then, Police hypothesizes outside individuals must have murdered Linda, Cheryl, Scott and Shelly. Morristown. (n.d.). Government Morristown. Retrieved October 18, 2014, from http://www.morristown.in.gov/egov/gallery/991300823093490.JPG -
Ash forgets the incident of the naturan demanto.
Post-traumatic stress and minimal brain damage have made Ash forget everything about the Kandarian Demon. Ash William. (n.d.). Terrordrome. Retrieved October 18, 2014, from http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140604222909/terrordrome/images/5/53/Ash_Williams_Fande.jpg -
Ash is mentally cleansed.
He is internalized into a psychiatric hospital for years. Apparently, he is cured, even though he still doesn't remember about the events which wiped out his sister and best friends. Mental Hospital. (n.d.). HowDonkey. Retrieved October 18, 2014, from http://www.howdonkey.com/pics/24/avoid-going-to-a-mental-hospital.jpg