
Everything in this website in relation to eachother

  • The Election Of James Polk

    The Election Of James Polk
    James K. Polk won office. His election made western expansion more exciting and brought manifest destiney over the nation.
  • Mormon Trail

    Mormon Trail
    The Mormon Migration was a quest for religeous freedom which required the Mormons to move to Salt lake city, Utah, in two treks. The first ending on June 13, 1846, and the other ending on July 24,1847.
  • First Women's Rights Convention

    First Women's Rights Convention
    In Senaca falls, Lucitia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton host the first convention for women's rights. This marked the beginging of the women's rights movement.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    Gold was found in Sutter's Mill in Colona , beginning the gold rush of 1849
  • Education Reform

    Education Reform
    By 1850 public schools were across the country. The only groups of people not receiving completely free education were women and African Americans.
  • Official Gadsden Purchase

    Official Gadsden Purchase
    A revised version of the orgional treaty was signed by the Mexican president. This treaty said the U.S. would pay $10 million for 29,670 square mile so land. This vesion said nothing about the Natives.