Every Student Succeeds Act

  • Title 1 introduced

    Title I was introduced to Financial Assistance To Local Educational Agencies For The Education Of Children Of Low-Income Families
  • ESEA

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) 1965 signed by Lyndon B Johnson, gave equal opportunity for all students.
  • 1966

    1966, revised to include the rights of handicapped children, Title VI
  • Title VII

    1967, Bilingual Education programs, Title VII, are added to ESEA
  • Equal Educational Opportunity Act

    1974 EEOA prohibited discrimination against faculty, students, and staff, including racial segregation.
  • No Child Left Behind

    In 2001, No Child Left Behind was signed into law by US Congress. This was passed to help close academic gaps and bring more accountability to the schools and teachers.
    The Reading First Grant was also founded and funded during this time.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    In, 2015 signed into Law by President Barack Obama.
    *The Every Student Succeeds Act also sets new mandates on expectations and requirements for students with disabilities.
    * States gain control back over standards and curriculum
    * Teachers, schools, and students are still held accountable, but not just based on one test.