Rd 48

Events that Shaped Canada Today

By bud3631
  • Period: Jan 1, 1450 to

    Time of Events

  • Jun 24, 1497

    John Cabot Claims Canada

    John Cabot Claims Canada
    In the late 14th century, John Cabot landed on the atlantic coast of Canada, claiming it for England. Cabot was attempting to reach Asia through the west for spices, but hit Newfoundland and Labrador (the most eastern point in Canada) in the process. Because of this, Cabot triggered a series of other voyages by other sailors. Eg Jacques Cartier through the St. Lawrence River in 1535.
  • Battle of the Plains of Abraham

    Battle of the Plains of Abraham
    The Battle of the Plains of Abraham was held on September 13 1759 in an area of Quebec that is thought to be named after Abraham Martin. James Wolfe led the British side, and Marquis de Montcalm the French. The battle finally decided which language would be the first language of Canada ( which was awarded to the victor ), and the second ( which was awarded to the loser )
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The war of 1812 was fought between the British Empire (with help from the local natives), and the United States. The war was fought over trade restrictions, land issues, etc. The British Empire (Canada) eventullay won the war. Both sides ended up getting pride and independance, Canada, because they won. And the US because it was one of their first wars faught as a lone country.
  • Period: to

    Residential Schools

    Indian residential school system was intended to incorporate the children of the First Nations peoples in Canada into the European/Canadian public. The purpose of the schools, which separated children from their normal lives, has been described as cultural genocide or "killing the Indian in the child."
  • British North America Act

    British North America Act
    The British North America Act serves as a base document for the Canadian constitution, which is not a single document but a set of documents known as Constitution Acts and also known as a set of unwritten laws and conventions. The BNA act was signed by Queen Victoria in 1867.
  • Louis Riel Hanged

    Louis Riel Hanged
    Louis Riel was a polititian, as well as a Metis leader in Canada. Riel also founded the province of Manitoba. Louis led two resistance movements against the Canadian Government, the Red River Rebellion, and the North West rebellion. He is considered a folk hero today. Reil fought to preserve metis rights and culture as their homelands were being arguably destroyed by the Canadian Government at the time. He was hanged for treason on November 16, 1885 in Regina, Northwest Territories.
  • October Crisis

    October Crisis
    The October Crisis was a chain of events caused by two kidnappings of government officials by members of the Front de libération du Québec in Quebec, but mainly the montreal area. Armed forces were sent into the area to help the authorities invoked in the war measures act,
  • Marathon of Hope

    Marathon of Hope
    On the twelfth of April 1980, Terry Fox dipped his amputated leg in the Atlantic Ocean, near St. Johns Newfoundland. He was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in 1977. He was attempting to do the impossible, running across Canada with only one leg. Fox was raising money fox cancer research, and has millions in the entierty of the run's lifetime. After 143 days and 5,373 kilometres, Terry was forced to end his run, in Thunder Bay Ontario because his cancer had spread to his lungs.
    Fox died in June 1981.
  • Canada Health Act

    Canada Health Act
    Canada's health care system is a group of health insurance plans that provides coverage to all Canadian's. It is funded by the public and administered on a provincial or territorial basis, within guidence set by the federal government.
  • First Womed Elected Prime Minister

    First Womed Elected Prime Minister
    Kim Cambell was the nineteenth Prime Minister of Canada. She was elected on June 23, 1993, and lasted until November 4, 1993. Kim Campbell was the first female Prime Minister of Canada, the first female Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, the first female Minister of National Defence, and she was the first female elected leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada.