Events That Occured During the Time of the Cold War

  • Indian Independence

    India was granted independence because Britain no longer wanted the expense of colonies. The northwest and eastern region of India was taken to create Pakistan to allow a place for the Muslims to stay, leaving India independent.
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    Berlin Airlift

    The Soviets wanted to keep Germany divided while France, Britain, and the U.S. allow their zones to become united. The Soviets cut off all traffic and water to West Berlin hoping the Allies would give up the idea of a unified Germany but is followed by the U.S. and Britain flying in supplies for 11 months, eventually causing the Soviets to lift the blockade.
  • Creation of Israel

    The Jewish population was growing in Palestine so they wanted their own nation in the territory. The United Nations recommended the division of Palestine for both the Jewish and Palestinians but the Palestinians disagreed resulting in the creation of independent Israel.
  • Launch of Sputnik

    Launch of Sputnik
    Sputnik, the first unmanned satellite, was launched into space by the Soviets using intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). This results with the U.S. spending tons of money on science education due to the fear that the ICBM could be used for bombs also.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Soviets secretly build up missiles in Cuba which is 90 miles from the coast of Florida. Feeling threatened, the U.S. blockades Cuba forcing the Soviets to remove their missiles as long as the U.S. does not invade Cuba.
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    Six-Day War Between Israelis and Arabs

    Israel was convinced that the Arabs were going to attack so Israel decided to strike first. The war lasted six days following a victory by Israel and Israel gaining control of Jerusalem, West Bank, Sinai Peninsula, and Golan Heights.
  • Nuclear Non-Profliferation Treaty is Put into Effect

    Nuclear Non-Profliferation Treaty is Put into Effect
    The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was a reaction to the arms build up during the Cold War. The main goals were to stop the spread of nuclear weapons, disarmament, and the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
  • Assassination of Egyptian President Sadat

    Assassination of Egyptian President Sadat
    Sadat, who is Muslim, was assassinated by a Muslim extremist after he signed the Camp David Accords, saying that Egypt recognizes Israel as a legitimate state and Israel agrees to return the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt, which began peace between Egypt and Israel.
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    Tiananmen Square Protest

    The Tiananmen Square massacre was a group of students protesting for a Democracy. The government is the reason it turned out to be a massacre by responding to the protest by killing more than one thousand people which allowed the international awareness of human rights violations.
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Fall of the Berlin Wall
    Hungary allows East Germany to travel to Austria but once they never return, East Germany closes its borders which cause protests to arise. The new leader of East Germany then attempts to restore stability by allowing people to leave which results in the collapse of the Communist Party and the Berlin Wall.