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The Constitutinal convention meeting
The Constitutinal covention meeting was to decide the states rights. -
The Missouri Compromise Of 1820
Missouri iwanted to join the united states as slave state,but the united states goverment was scared the slave states would have more power than the free states.so Henry Clay made both sides give and some power. -
The Compromise of 1850
In 1849,California wanted to be addmitted to the United states as a free state,but the slave states did not like that.It would give more power to the free state.Senator clay divised a plan that would equal out this power.he said califorina would be a free state and no one is aloud to sell slaves in washington.at the same time they passeda law that made the north return runaway slaves.also utah and new mexico were aloud to vot if they wanted to be free states or slave states. -
The Underground Railroad
Many Northiners wanted slavery to end forever, but the southerns did want slavery to end. They got together and they organized the Underground Railroad.The Underground Railroad was to let the slaves escape.There was a home that was known as a station that let the slave hide in and they would give them there needds.The slaves thought that to be free they had to travel all the way to Canada. -
the Kansas Nebraska Act
in 1854 a senator from illinois decided it would be best that the people of kansas and nebraska were to aloud to vote for them selves if slavery shall be aloud.all caos broke out people who wanted slavery rushed to make sure it would happen while people who oppsed slavery spreaded there belifes. in the end the vote was that it was not -
1860: The Electon of Abrham Lincoln
In 1860 it was time for a new president abraham lincoln sotherners didnt want to vote for lincoln becuse of his views on slavery.in 1860 abrham was elected the 16 presdent of the nation.for the southerners this was the LAST straw. -
First Shots at Fort Sunter
The southern states began to secede out of the country.THe soildiers were staioned in South Carolina led by Major Robert Anderson.The people in Charlestion were angry that the Union soildiers had taken the fort.Confederate forces took control of 3 nearby forts. They wanted to remove the Union soildiers from the southern soil.President Abraham Lincoln ordered supplies to send to the soildiers.they would not give up.At 4:30 am on april 12 the civil war had began.