First Nuclear Explosive Test
Contucted by the United States at White Sands Missile Range near Almogordoro, New Mexico. -
Heightened International Concern
Indias Prime Minister Nehru proposed the elimination of all nuclear tests worldwide. -
Partial Test Ban Treaty
THe treaty banned nuclear tests in the atmosphere, underwater, and in space, but not underground. Neither France nor China signed this treaty. -
Nuclear Non- proliferation Treaty
Non-nuclear states were prohibited from, possesing, manufacturing or acquiring nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices. All signatories, including nuclear weapon states, were committed to the goal of total nuclear disarmament. India, Pakistan and Israel declined to sign the NPT. -
Negotiations for Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
After the Cold War, parties to the PTBT held an amendment conference that year to discuss a proposal to convert the Treaty into something that will ban all nuclear-weapon tests; this had strong support from the UN General Assembly, negotiations for a comprehensive test-ban treaty began in 1993. -
Treaty Signed