The Sugar Act
It was the first tax on the american colonies and it was put by the British.It was important because the British wanted them to buy molasses from them instead of them sneaking it in from the french and spanish colonies. -
The Stamp act
A tax that required the british colonies to buy stamped paper from london. It was important because people started to argue that this tax was unfair and that some people could not afford it. -
The Boston massacre
It was an event where many colonists were killed while protesting. It was important because it showed that they did not care about others. -
The tea act
The tea act was was a tax on tea. -
The Boston tea party
The Boston tea party is an event in which american colonists dumped loads of tea into the water so they could protest against the british. It was important because it showed how mad the colonists were and how unfair a lot of things war -
The rides of paul revere and william dawes
They were to boston patriots that went and told everyone to get the minutemen ready to battle. It was important because that is when they started fighting back. -
The shot heard around the world
It was an event where the militia prepared to fight against the british troops. This event was important because it was one of the first battles of the revolutionary war. -
Battle of bunker hill
A battle where the british defeated the americans but still lost a lot of soldiers. -
The virginia declaration of right
A document drafted in 1776. It was important because it protected their rights -
congress adopts the declaration of independence
One of the most important documents of the U.S. It declared independence fron the britishrule