2000 BCE
Ancient Indo-Aryan Water Purification
Sanskrit writings describe the purification of foul water by boiling and filtering. -
2000 BCE
Ancient Indo-Aryan water purification
Sanskrit writings describe the purification of foul water by boiling and filtering. -
Period: 460 BCE to
Improving Urban Sanitation and Waste Removal
During the time of Greek physician Hippocrates, “hygiene” became known as the branch of medicine dedicated to the "art of health." -
Dr John Snow showed that cholera was spread by water.
Promotion of Nutrition
The USDA's first nutrition guidelines were published in 1894 by Dr. Wilbur Olin Atwater as a farmers' bulletin. In Atwater's 1904 publication titled Principles of Nutrition and Nutritive Value of Food, he advocated variety, proportionality and moderation; measuring calories; and an efficient, affordable diet that focused on nutrient-rich foods and less fat, sugar, and starch. This led to the discovery of individual vitamins beginning in 1910.