Events that happened between 1750 and 1918

  • British Discovery of Australia

    British Discovery of Australia
    ​The exploration of Australia by Europeans, or white
    explorers from the European continent, encompassing several waves of seafarers
    and land explorers. Dutch navigators were the first Europeans known to have
    explored and mapped the Australian coastline.
  • Captain Cook died

    Captain Cook died
    Captain Cook died: Captain Cook was an explorer, navigator and a cartographer for
    the British Royal Navy. He made several pacific explorations. Also credited with the
    first recorded european contact between Australia and Hawaii.
  • First Fleet Lands in Australia

    First Fleet Lands in Australia
    The first fleet are 11 ships that left Britain to go to Australia and colonize it. It was intended to be a prison colony. The fleet went to botany bay and discovered that it was a bad place for a colony, so they sailed up the cost to Sydney cove where they set up the colony.
  • Federation of Australia

    Federation of Australia
    The federation of Australia was when Australia became
    recognized as a country of its own by the rest of the world. Australia wasn’t a country
    it was just a content divided into 6 British colonies, they had different leaders and
    different laws
  • Coca-Cola Invention

    Coca-Cola Invention
    Coca-Cola is a carbonated non-alcoholic drink intended to be
    like the French wine Coca, which had just been made illegal
  • Eiffel Tower

    Eiffel Tower
    The Eiffel Tower was built as the entrance to the 1889 world fair. It is a global and cultural icon and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. It is also a very large tourist attraction.
  • The first modern olympics

    The first modern olympics
    It was the first international olympics and was held in Athens. It was the first olympic games to be held in the modern era. Due to its success led to more olympics being held after it, which still happens to this day.
  • End to the Triangular Trade Slave

    End to the Triangular Trade Slave
    This was a trade between three main ports. Its primary trade was salves however it did carry other goods. It ended in the early 19th century as slaves started becoming illegal and there were easier ways to transport goods.
  • Gold discovered in Victoria

    Gold discovered in Victoria
    The Victorian gold rush was a period in in the history of Victoria in Australia, approximately between 1851 and the late 1860’s. 174 tonnes of gold worth 14,000,000 pounds in 1852 alone back then the average person would make 2 pounds in a year so that is a huge amount of money
  • Titanic crashed

    Titanic crashed
    The titanic was a newly build british passenger ship. It sunk on its maiden voyage when it hit an iceberg, causing the death of 1,502 people. At the time of the sinking, it was the largest ship that had ever been afloat.