End of World War 2
Britains coal industry is nationalised
India gains independance from Britain
Post-War immigration from the commonwealth begins
nearly 500 Caribbean immigrants to Britain -
NHS is established
Berlin Airlift begins
Olympic Games open at Wembley Stadium in London
Geneva Convention
Republic of Ireland comes into being
British troops support US forces in the Korean War
Conservatives under Winston churchill win general elections
Discovery of the structure of DNA
Elizabeth ll crowned Queen
Winston Churchill Prime minister
Commercial TV starts with first ITV broadcast
Montgomery bus boycott begins
Worsening Pollution prompts the passing of the clean air act
Britain switches on its first nuclear power station
Ghana becomes first british colony in africa to gain independance
Britain tests its first hydrogen bomb
Motorway system opens
The Pill is legalised
Cuban missile crisis begins
Start of the Feminism Movement
New universities open and students get state supports
Comprehensive education system is initiated
Death penalty is abolished
England win the football world cup
Abortion and homosexuality are legalised
First Moon landing
Introduction to Equal pay act
Decimalised currency replaces pounds, shillings and pence
North sea oil concessions are auctioned
Britain joined the European Economic Community (EEC)
EEC is also the EU -
Introduction for Sex Discrimination Act
Worlds first test-tube baby is born
Scotland and Wales reject Devolution
Margret Thatcher becomes Britains first female prime minister
Humber Bridge opens
longest single-span bridge in the world -
Economic recession leads to high employment
Major national industries are privatised
Industries including: cable and wireless; the national bus company; British airways; rolls Royce; British steel; electricity-generating industry; and water companies -
The World Wide Web is invented by Tim Berners-lee
Fall of the Berlin wall
Introduction of new local taxes including poll tax
Sparking riots in London over poll tax -
Margret Thatcher resigns
Cold War Ends
Channel Tunnel opens
linking London and Paris by rail -
First Women priests are ordained by the church of england
World trade organisation is formed
Britain hands Hong-Kong back to China
Princess Diana dies in a car crash in Paris
Scotland and Wales vote in favor of devolution
Britain decides not to join the European Single Currency
Foot-and-Mouth disease wreak havoc on rural Briain
Apple Lauches first ipod
Terrorist attack on America, 9/11 occurs
Britian joins US in an invasion of Iraq
Mar exploration rover launched
Facebook launched
Mars exploration rover
Facebook was launched
Ten new states join the EU
USB flash drivers replace floppy disks
Kyoto Protocol on measures to control climate change comes into force
Suicide bomber kill 52 people on London Transport System
7/7 -
civil partnership give same-sex couples legal rights
West African black rhino declared extinct
Artic sea ice hits a record low
Apple debuts the IPhone
Barack Obama elected president
First ever black president -
Major breakthrough in cancer research
Death of Osama Bin Laden
Italian cruiseliner Costa Concordia runs aground in Italy
Kills 32 people -
Margret Thatcher dies
Ebola virus outbreak
Malaysia air plane goes missing
Paris terrorist attacks
Russian and French football fans clash with England fans
England leaves EU