Events related to Recent Events.

  • Sugar Act - Sweet act of 2014

    The Sugar act was an event raising prices on refined sugar imported by the colonies. This was similar to the sweet act of 2014 because specific sugary beverage product by the manufacturer, producer, or importer.
  • Boston Massacre - Kent State Shootings in 1970

    The Boston Massacre was an event in which a massacre that was bloody and hat patriotic mobs. This relates to the kent state shootings in 1970 because both incidents had people riot and both resulted in people injured and people dead.
  • Boston Tea Party - 2009 political scene

    The Boston tea party was an event in which the people in Boston threw tea off into the harbor because of the new tea tax. In 2009 there was a tea party burst on American Politics, the Americans were mad about the bailout of the banks and auto companies and their interests were not being served, they thought the bailout was a way to save money for the upper class.
  • Shot heard around the world - Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand (1914)

    When the "shot heard around the world" took place, someone suddenly shot and then the battle began. This is similar to the Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand because as he got shot it was one of the causes of World War 2.