Events related to politics, science, social movements, and inventions, discoveries, related to the XX and XXI centuries.

  • World War I

    World War I
  • Penicillin was discovered by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming.

    Penicillin was discovered by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming.
  • World War II

    World War II
  • First videogame "Tennis For Two"

    First videogame "Tennis For Two"
    William Higinbotham
  • Tlatelolco massacre

    Tlatelolco massacre
  • The Invention of the Internet

    The Invention of the Internet
  • George W. Bush is elected President of US

    George W. Bush is elected President of US
  • Attack on the Twin Towers

    Attack on the Twin Towers
  • Ayotzinapa case: The 43 missing students

    Ayotzinapa case: The 43 missing students
  • Coronavirus pandemic

    Coronavirus pandemic