Alexander the Great of Macedonia defeats the Persian Empire and spreads Greek culture throughout the region (331 BCE)
Alexander the Great defeated the Persan king when he fled from battle leaving Alexander the victory. When Alexander ruled, cultures mixed together createing the Hellenic period. The Hellenic culture spoke Greek but practiced other religions and cultural practices introduced by the Greeks. During this period he founded about 20 cities with his name. (Alexandria) -
Sparta defeats Athens; the Peloponnesian War ends (404BCE)
The Peloponnesian War ended on April 25 404 BCE when Athens surrenderd due to the enourmous attack by Sparta. Athens lots its power and Sparta gained it. Sparta then became the ruling state of Greece. Sparta and Athens signed a peace trety that would last 30 years. -
The Peloponnesian War begins between Sparta and Athens (431 BCE)
The Peloponnesian War was started because Sparta was getting worried on how much power Athens was getting. The war was a territorial, economic, and political conflict between Sparta and Athens. It started with minor conflicts, than grew into a struggle for power. -
Pericles rules in Athens 460-429 BCE
Pericles was born into a leading family of Athens, and his father was a military hero.
his ruleing was important becasue he passed laws, and built structures.
He passesd the law for poor people to attend theatrical preformances for free sinse he had always liked theatre. -
Jan 1, 621
Athens develops a written code of laws (621 BCE)
The new code of laws replaced the oild laws of Draco, which were severe laws written in blood, They made new laws because almost all the laws if not followed had a punishment of death -
Jan 1, 700
most Greek city-states were monarchies (700 BCE)
in the 8th century, greece was recovering from te dark ages and city sates started having monarchs. Sparta was famous for its monarchy system because they had two kings at once, one would go to war while the other one stayed to rule Sparta. Monarchy lasted for Around 700 BC, and aristocracy took its place. -
Jan 1, 753
Romulus and Remus found the city of Rome, according to legend (753 BCE)
Romulus and Remus were twin shepards and they had a conflict with other shepard and Remus was captured by the king. Romulus and other shepards got together and killed the king and saved his brother. They were offered the crown together but declined. They left ot go find their own coutry but they both wanted a different spot. one of them sae 6 birds and the other sae 12. Romulus saw the 12 birds so he chose his location and named it Roma after himself. -
Jan 1, 776
The first Olympic Games take place 776 BCE
The Olympic Games were dedicated to the Olimpian Gods, and were held on the plains of Olympia. They continued for 12 centures until Emporer Theodosius sais that such "pagan cults" be banned. -
Appeoximate date of the birth of Jesus Christ 3 BCE
Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem in Judea. His mother and father, Joseph and Mary, traveled from Nazaeth to Bethlehem and layed him in a manger. -
Marc Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide, leaving Octavian as strongest ruler (31 BCE)
Octavian had been in battle with Marc Antony for a while and finally defeated him in 31 BCE. Cleopatra and Marc Antony decided to commit scuicide because Octavian was attacking Alexandria and would kill them. Marc Antony stabbed himself with a sword and Cleopatra made herself get bit by a venomous snake. -
Cicero, a Roman senator and philosepher, is murdered by Marc Antony (43 BCE)
Cicero and Marc Antony were the two leaders of Rome but they hated each other. Cicreo would always talk bad about Antony in his speaches nad turned Marc Antony's child against him. Cicero tried to leave Rome and not get killed by Antony but he failed and Antony caught him. A soldier was instructed ot kill him, not Marc Antony. his hands and head were cut off. -
Julius Caesar is assasinated on the Ides of March (44 BCE)
On March 15 44 BCE, Julius Caesar was stabbed several times by the senators of Rome becasue they thought he had too much power and was too ambitious. A seer told him before to beware the Ides of March but he thought that that was crazy. -
Roman Colosseum is buit
The Colosseum is made or concreate and stone and is considered one of greatest works of architecture and engineering. It oculd hold between 50 000 and 80 000 people and was used for acting, glatiator battles and lion fights. -
The Persians are defeated by Greeks in the Battle of Marathon 490 BCE
The Battle of Marathon was one of the most famous historical military engagements, and one of the earliest recorded battles. When the Greeks won against the Persians, it gave them coonfidence to defend themselves and belief in their contunued existance. -
Christianity is declared the official religion of the Roman Empire
Constantine was the first Christian emperor of Rome but Christianity was declared the official religion of Rome decades after he died. Theodosis was the emperor to declare that all citizens should be Christian. -
Plato opens an academy of learning in Athnes (c. 380 BCE)
Plato created the world's first university called The Academy of Plato. At the university Plato trained his greatest student, Aristotle. His goal for the academy was for students to work towards a better government in Greece. The academy's curriculum included astronomy, biology, mathematics, political theory, and philosophy. Plato was in authority of his academy until his death.