Events of WWI -- Danielle Hart and Calla Reardon

  • Austria-Hungary Declared War on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary Declared War on Serbia
    • The Road to War
    • Origins of World War I
    • War Begins
  • Russia Mobilized its Armed Forces

    Russia Mobilized its Armed Forces
    -The Road to War
    - Origins of World War 1
    - War Begins
  • Germany Declares War on Russia

    Germany Declares War on Russia
    -The Road to War
    - The Deadliest War
    - War Begins
  • Germany Declares War on France

    Germany Declares War on France
    -The Road to War
    - The Deadliest War
    - War Begins
  • First Battle of the Marne 9/5/14 to 9/12/14 Fighting between the French and British settled into a stalemate

    First Battle of the Marne 9/5/14 to 9/12/14 Fighting between the French and British settled into a stalemate
    • The Road to War
    • The Deadliest War
    • War Begins
  • Battle of Verdun 02/21/1916 to 12/16/1916 50,000 casualties for the Germans and French result from new Trench Warfare

    Battle of Verdun 02/21/1916 to 12/16/1916 50,000 casualties for the Germans and French result from new Trench Warfare
    -The Road to War
    -The Deadliest War
    -War Begins
  • Russia has military defeats and food shortages March 8th 1917 led to an uprising and when Tsar was overthrown a new government kept Russia in the war

    Russia has military defeats and food shortages March 8th 1917 led to an uprising and when Tsar was overthrown a new government kept Russia in the war
    • The Road to War
    • Entering the War
    • Russian Revolution
  • America Declares War on Germany

    America Declares War on Germany
    • The Road to War
    • Entering the War
    • The Lusitania
  • Under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin, a faction known as the Bolsheviks seized the government

    Under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin, a faction known as the Bolsheviks seized the government
    • The Road to War
    • Entering the War
    • Russian Revolution
  • Russia and Germany sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Russia and Germany sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    • Americans at War
    • Setbacks and Advances
    • Russia Makes Peace
  • Battle of Belleau Wood U.S Marines suffered heavy casualties but succeeded in driving the Germans out

    Battle of Belleau Wood U.S Marines suffered heavy casualties but succeeded in driving the Germans out
    -Americans at War
    -Setbacks and Advances
    -Turning the Tide
  • Battle of Chateau Thierry Germans were less than 50 miles from Paris and the Parisians fled in panic from the enemy

    Battle of Chateau Thierry Germans were less than 50 miles from Paris and the Parisians fled in panic from the enemy
    -Americans at War
    -Setbacks and Advances
    -Turning the Tide
  • Battle of the Argonne Forest German defenses finally crumbled under the unrelenting assault.

    Battle of the Argonne Forest German defenses finally crumbled under the unrelenting assault.
    • Americans at War
    • Setbacks and Advances
    • Battle of the Argonne Forest
  • The Armistice took Effect Germany surrendered and the war had ended

    The Armistice took Effect Germany surrendered and the war had ended
    • Americans at War
    • The Armistice
    • War’s Deadly Toll
  • Germany Signed the Treaty of Versailles that Ended World War I

    Germany Signed the Treaty of Versailles that Ended World War I
    • Shaping the Peace
    • Peace Conference in Paris
    • The Treaty of Versailles