Assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand
The Archduke Franz Ferdinand heir to the throne of the Austrian-Hungarian empire was aasassinated in Bosnia. -
Declaration of War on Serbia
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia -
Declaration of War on France
Germany declares war on France. Great Britain then orders their troops to mobilize. -
Germany Declares War on Belgium
Germany declares war on Belgium. -
Battle of Marne
The first battle of Marne. The Germans advance at the cost of 13,000 British, 250,000 French, and 250,000 Germans -
Battle of Ypres
The British and allies pushed into the German line. -
Second Battle of Ypres
The second battle of Ypres in which the first use of poison gas was used by Germany. -
Declarstion of War on Austria-Hungary
Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary -
Battle of Somme
This is the worst single day's fighting in the British Military's history. Nearly 60,000 died or were wounded for a very little gain. For more events from WW1 click here.
Timeline of World War 1 -
1) Remembering World War One [Online Image]. Retrieved from http://www.methodist.org.uk/mission/remembering-world-war-one
2) Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria [Online Image]. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Archduke_Franz_Ferdinand_of_Austria
3)Geograpy of Serbia [Map]. Retrieved from http://geography.howstuffworks.com/europe/geography-of-serbia-and-montenegro.htm -
4) The New York Herald [Newspaper Image]. Retrieved from http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1212569/100th-year-anniversary-germanys-declaration-war-ag
5) Belgium Flag [Flag]. Retrieved from http://www.all-flags-world.com/country-flag/flag-belgium.php
6) The Marne River 1914 [Online Image]. Retrieved from http://www.worldwar1.com/dbc/2marne.htm
7) British troops at the Battle of Ypres [Online Image]. Retrieved from http://greatwarproject.org/2014/11/11/fighting-for-ypres-subsides-battle-not-over/ -
8) Gas Masks [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://sites.google.com/a/adamscott.ca/world-war-i-museum-feb-2010/role-of-gas-warfare
9) The Wshington Times [Newspaper Image]. Retrieved from http://www.heroesofserbia.com/2014/07/austria-declares-war-against-serbia.html
10) The Killing Grounds [Online Image]. Retrieved from http://someinterestingfacts.net/battle-of-somme-ww1/