Period: to
the vietnam war
the vietnam war -
Kennedy and Diem
Following a meeting between South Vietnam's President Diem and Kennedy, the United States agrees to increase the number of American advisors in Vietnam from 340 to 805. The commitment places the prestige of the Kennedy Adminstration behind the efforts in Vietnam -
The begging of the war
Johnson reports to Kennedy
Kennedy and Diem meet
the first US hellicopter arrives -
the battle begins
Agent Orange Introduced
US Crewed Helicopters Deployed to Vietnam
Laos Agreement
US Helicopters Ordered to Shoot First -
Attack the buddist
South Vietnamese troops, enforcing a ban on the Buddhist multi-colored flag, fire upon 20,000 Buddhists at Hue. The attack begins a series of intensifying protests by Buddhists against the government. -
Attack on the temples
South Vietnamese Fire on Buddist Temples
Buddist Monk Sets Himself on Fire
Buddist Temples Attacked Throughout the South Vietnam
Diem Overthrown
1963 Summary -
The dead
VietCong Troops Cross Border and Seize Hamlets
5,000 US Troops Sent to Vietnam
U.S.S Maddox Attacked
First US Air Attack on North Vietnam
Tonkin Gulf Resolution -
First B-52 Raid
The first B-52 raids are launched against Viet Cong targets in South Vietnam. -
Vietnam war
South Vietnmase Army Defeated at Binh Gia
Buddist Demonstrate Against Huong
US Bases Attacked
Rolling Thunder Launcher
First US Combat Troops Arrive
First Campus Sit-In
First MIG Intercepted
Marine Reinforcements Sent to Vietnam
US Suspends Air Raids
Raids Resumes
Australian Troops Arrive in North Vietnam
U.S. Combat Troops Officially in Combat
First B-52 Raids
First US Offensive
First Medal of Honor Winner in War
First SAM Attack on US Plane
US Troops Strength Increased by 125,000
Operation Sta -
US troops
Operation Masher
U. S. Base Wiped Out
First B52 Raids on North Vietnam
First US Attacks Near Hanoi
Operation Hastings
Heaviest Air Raids of the War
Operation Attleboro
Record Number of US Planes Downed -
Vietnam war
Operation Cedar Falls
Operation Junction City
First Bombing of Haiphong
Massive Anti War Demonstrations
US Victory Near KheSan
US Base Camp and Conthein Attacked
Operation Praire IV
Conthein Attacked
Operation Kingfisher
Fire on the Forrestall
Battle of Queson Valley
Viet Cong Repelled at Locninh
Bloody Battle Near Dak To
Summary of 1967 -
Hamburger hill
U.S. and South Vietnamese troops fight for Ap Bia Mountain. The ten-day battle is one of the fiercest of the war. After 56 Americans are killed and 420 are wounded, the troops capture the hill, killing 597 Vietnamese. The hill is recorded in history as "Hamburger Hill", and the actions there are widely criticized in the U.S. The battle is one of the last major actions of its type in the war. -
Vietnam War
Communist End Tet Ceasefire
Secret Bombing of Cambodia
Battle of Hamburger Hill
Fierce Battle in Queson Valley
B-52 Bomb the DMZ
250,000 March on Washington
Nixon Begins Withdrawal