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Events of the Iranian Hostage Crisis

  • Students Storm US Embassy

    Students Storm US Embassy
    Iranian student militants and protesters captured the U.S. embassy in Tehran after storming the building. US military was ordered not to shoot at the crowd of students and protesters as they stormed the building. There were many anti-U.S. and anti-Israeli chants while citizens burned the flags of the U.S. and Israel. Sixty-six Americans were taken hostage, and 52 were held for 444 days.
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    Events of the Iranian Hostage Crisis

  • Executive Order 12170

    Executive Order 12170
    President Jimmy Carter announced a ban on oil imports from Iran and stopped selling weapons to Iran. The embargo took away a large amount of income from Iran. The Office of Foreign Assets Control froze Eight billion U.S. dollars of Iranian assets in the U.S.
  • Thirteen hostages released

    Thirteen hostages released
    The hostage takers claimed they had become sympathetic to the taking of minority groups and so they released 13 hostages of varying ethnic backgrounds and of the female gender. This act of anti-oppression is somewhat ironic.
  • Six American Diplomats Rescued

    Six American Diplomats Rescued
    The 'Canadian Caper' covert operation successfully rescued six American diplomats by the CIA. The six hostages who had been hiding in the Canadian ambassador's house left Iran with Canadian passports while posing as a Canadian film crew. They landed safely in Switzerland but US involvement in this operation was not acknowledged until nearly 15 years later for fear of retaliation. The academy award winning film Argo is based on this courageous rescue.
  • Operation Eagle Claw Begins

    Operation Eagle Claw Begins
    Operation Eagle Claw (Operation Evening Light) attempted to rescue 52 American hostages from the U.S. Embassy in Tehran by infiltrating the embassy using quiet but deadly force. It was aborted when three helicopoters were damaged or forced to return to the carrier.
  • One hostage is released

    One hostage is released
    Richard Queen was released in July of 1980 due to a pressing medical condition. He had become incredibly sick and was later diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. During his time spent in captivity he was misdiagnosed with a "twisted spine" and as his condition worsened the kidnappers decided he must be let go.
  • Shah Pahlavi dies

    Shah Pahlavi dies
    The Iranian leader Shah Pahvlovi died in the US after fighting cancer for several years.
  • Conditions for Release Announced by Ayotollah

    Conditions for Release Announced by Ayotollah
    The Shah's American fortune, amounting to billions of dollars, was to be remitted to the Iranian government. American claims against Iran in the International Court of Justice were to be nullified. Iranian assets frozen in American banks were to be released. The United States was to promise never to interfere with Iran's affairs.
  • Operation Credible Sport

    Operation Credible Sport
    The first aircraft test over Tehran was launched but merely on a reconnaissance basis.
  • Ronald Reagan wins 1980 US Presidential Election

    Ronald Reagan wins 1980 US Presidential Election
    The Republicans regained control of the presidency when Republican Ronald Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter's inability to negotiate the release of the hostages led to an uprising in Reagen's popularity before the election.
  • Iran Hostage Crisis Ends with the Signing of the Algiers Accords

    Iran Hostage Crisis Ends with the Signing of the Algiers Accords
    The Algerian government mediated a deal between the American and Iranian governments. By this accord, the remaining 52 American hostages were released to the US and sent home, thus ending the 444 days that these 52 men and women were kept in captivity. The Accords stated that the US could no longer intervene in Iran in any capacity and that trade barriers must be broken down.