275px auschwitz ii birkenau  oświęcim  polonia   panoramio (20)

events of the holocaust

  • Hitler addresses the Reichstag following his chancellor appointment

  • Period: to

    Nazi assault

    when Nazi Germany started to gain power and prosecute selected people
  • boycotting starts

    boycotting starts
    German people and the Nazi government starts to boycott Jewish stores
  • Nazi Germany made the Nuremberg laws to discriminated other races and ethnicity.

  • Kristallnacht happens

    Kristallnacht happens
    the night of the broken glass happens where Jews stores are destroyed and Jewish people are killed
  • Period: to

    holocaust/ "finial solution"

    the genocide of Jewish people and other people that were undesirable in the eyes of Nazi Germany
  • Nazi's government started to seal Jewish ghettos and taking Jewish people to concentration camps

  • mobile SS killing squads went around killing Jews on the streets following the invasion of Russia

  • Soviet Russia discovers thousands of pairs of shoes in a concentration camp

  • when Nazis were tried in Nuremberg for war crimes