Hitler at dortmund rally

Events of the Holocaust

By Jaiden.
  • Hitler and Nazis rose to power in Germany.

    Hitler and Nazis rose to power in Germany.
    Hitler was appointed chancellor in 1933, this is when his power first was shown, He was given this title by president Paul Von Hindenburg.
  • Nuremberg Laws Created.

    Nuremberg Laws Created.
    The German parliament created the Nuremberg Laws. This law was to protect the honor of German blood, many unknown victims were prosecuted due to their grandparents being Jewish; Even though they had not studied a part of Judaism in their life.
  • German Invasion of Poland.

    German Invasion of Poland.
    This was the initiation of WW2 in Europe, German forces broke through the defenses near the capital of Poland, "Warsaw." Many Jews left in a hurry, while many stayed believing Polish powers could defeat Germany, which was later proved untrue. This started the identification of Jews in foreign countries, meaning they were forced to wear a white armband with the Star of David patch on it.
  • Auschwitz Camp Founded.

    Auschwitz Camp Founded.
    SS authorities, otherwise known as Hitler's special guards, officially established the Auschwitz Concentration Camp(s). Many Jews who were previously prosecuted were sent here in order to complete extreme labor. Another one of the sections of the camp was also known to have been used for exeuctions.
  • Killing Operations Begin at Chelmno.

    Killing Operations Begin at Chelmno.
    Chelmno was an area or region used by the Nazis in order to perform Jewish executions, it was located 30 miles Northwest of Lodz. This date is significant because it was the first instance in which poison gas was used to eliminate a large number of groups.
  • Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp Established.

    Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp Established.
    The second camp opened at Auschwitz, which was named Birkenau. A large number of prisoners were Soviet POWs and many Polish soldiers, but it was mainly used as a killing center for the Soviets.
  • German Forces Launch Offensive.

    German Forces Launch Offensive.
    German forces began advancing on the Soviet Union due to the weak military force. A battle in Stalingrad was considered the turning point of the war, in which over 200,000 Soviet soldiers surrounded the German soldiers. This was the event in which the Germans were forced to retreat and surrender.
  • D-Day, Beginning of the End

    D-Day, Beginning of the End
    The title is a literal statement, as this event had sparked the downfall of Germany. D-day otherwise known as operation "Overload" was the rush of Normandy beach with powers such as Britian and Canadian troops. Shortly after arriving, near the 6 week mark the allied troops had encircled Germany in which they captured the area.