Events of the Holocaust

By Amayia
  • 1933 BCE

    Adolf Hitler is appointed as German chancellor

    Adolf Hitler is appointed as German chancellor
    Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor Of Germany. After becoming chancellor he had power over the citizens and did not give them basic rights.
  • (1914-1918) After World war 1

    (1914-1918) After World war 1
    Europe was in devastation after World war 1 for years. The continent struggled from the lost of millions of soldiers and civilians.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    Hitler and His Nazi party invaded Poland. They had conquered much of Europe. Then, the German's took Jewish property and forced them to move to ghettos and forced labor camps.
  • The Final Solution

    The Final Solution
    The German's more intensely started pursuing there idea of the "Final Solution". The killing of Jews increased with the centers using poison gas.
  • The After effect of the Holocaust

    The After effect of the Holocaust
    After the Holocaust six million Jews were killed because of the plan of genocide. The camps had piles of bodies, bones, and human ashes. There were thousands of survivors both Jews and non Jews but were suffering from starvation and illness.