Jun 15, 1215
Magna Carta Signed
Magna CartaThe Magna Carta was a document King John of England was forced to sign. The document stripped the King of his complete power. It was written by the most powerful barons in England. The document allowed England to create a parliament and was the basis of civil rights in England. -
Mayflower Compact
Mayflower CompactThe Mayflower was an agreement composed by the settlers who had arrived in Massachusetts on the ship The Mayflower. The compact stated brief laws and was signed by the majority. -
Formation of New England Confederation
New England ConfederationRepresentatives from four colonies (Massachusetts, Plymouth, Conneticut, and New Haven) met in Boston. At this meeting, twelve articles of confederation were written and authorized by the representatives. This document represented a union odf the four colonies, and created a board of eight commissioners who could declare war along with other responsibilities. -
Albany Plan of Union Announced
Albany PlanThe Albany Plan of Union was written by Benjamin Franklin in the summer of 1754. Delegates of the northern colonies and representatives form the six Iroquois Nations met in Albany, New York. The plan states that each colony would elect one delgate to become a part of the American Continental Assembly. -
Sugar Act
Sugar ActThe Sugar Act forced the colonists to not purchase the cheaper French molasses. This was hurting the British West Indian company, so George Greenville imposed taxes to get rid of debt. The people were very angry, and voiced their anger. -
French and Indian War Begins
French and Indian WarThe war began when each side (French and British) wanted to increase there landholdings. The war was officially declared in May of 1756. For the first three years, the French dominated the battlefield with key victories at Fort Oswego and Fort William Henry. The British soon began to make peace with many Indian tribes, and were able to gain control of the French territory. -
Royal Proclamation
Royal ProclamationThe Royal Proclamation staded that the colonists could not access the land that they had previously won during the French and Indian war. If prohibited them from accessing the land past the Appalachian Mountains, as it kept fueds with the Indians low and kept money spent on protecting the colonists with the British military low as well. -
Treaty of Paris
Treaty of Paris.The treaty was written to resolve the end of the French and Indian war. The treaty was very harsh on the French, giving the British the regions of Quebec and the Ohio Valley. New Orleans and the Lousiana territory west of the Mississippi were given to Spain. -
Stamp Act
Stamp ActThe Stamp act was placed on the colonies to help recover Britian from a huge national debt. It was proposed by George Greenville. Many felt that this taxation without representation inpinged upon their rights as British subject. Rebels terrorized tax collecters in the Northern colonies. The stamp act was repealled in 1771. -
Stamp Act Congress
Stamp Act CongressThe Stamp Act Congress was extremely unpopular in the colonies. They reached out to Parliament to appeal the act, but were ignored. This led the colonies to create the Stamp Act Congress. The Stamp Act Congress created the Stamp Act Resolves, but this document had little effect. -
Stamp Act Congress
Stamp Act CongressThe Stamp Act was very unpopular in the colnies, and many colonists made an appeal to Parliament to appeal the act, but this was to no avail. Because of this, the colonists created a Stamp Act Congress, which created the Stamp Act resolves. -
Townshend Acts
Townshend ActsThe Townshend Acts prohibited colonoists from moving west to access land that they had earend furing the French and Indian War. This was to keep Indians from uprising and also included sending more troops to the colonies. After a series of protests in the colonies, Parliament raised taxes. -
Boston Massacre
Boston MassacreOn Monday, March 5. 1770, a crowd of about 60 Bostonians gathered around a British sentry and began taunting him, throwing and pelting him with snowballs and rocks. The guard called for reinforcements. One of the British reinforcements was knocked down, and he fired into the crowd. 11 colonists were either injured or killed. -
Bosotn Tea Party
Boston Tea PartyParliament declared that the colonies could only purchase tea from the British West Indian company. This angered the colonists, and they boycotted the tea. Boston partiots dressed as Indinas and snuck onto a ship docked in Boston harbor. The group dumped 342 chests of tea into the harbor, or 15,000 pounds of tea. It is believed that Sam Adams and John Hancokc organized the rebellion. -
First Continental Congress
First Continental CongressThe First Continental Congress met in Philadelphia in 1774 to discuss the Intolerable Acts, which put Massachusetts under control of a military govenor and put Boston's port under English control. It was decided that soon the other colonies would follow into the same fate as Massachusetts. This led some to advocate for independence. They agreed to meet again in May, 1775 to discuss the situation, but were never able to. -
Patrick Henry "Give Me Liberty"
Patrick HenryPatrick Henry was a delegate who spoke at the Second Virginia Conference. His idea there was to create a calvary for every Virginia county. His famous speech was "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death." -
Patrick Henry
Patrick HenryPatrick Henry was a delegate who spoke at the Second Virginia Conference. It was his suggestion to have each Virginia county create a cavalry. He also delivered him "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death." -
Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
Midnight RidePaul Revere headed out on his ride to warn John Hancock, Sam Adams, the other people of Massachusetts that the British were arriving by sea. Another rider, Dawes, also departed with Revere to warn the towns near Boston. Just outside Lexington they met Dr. Samuel Prescott who joined their ride. Dawes and Prescott continued safely to Concord, while Revere was stopped by British patrol, but eventually let go. -
Battle of Lexington and Concord
Lexington and ConcordThe British and Colonists met on Lexington Green on April 19th. The first shot were fired on Lexington Green, and led to an immediate retreat by the colonists to Concord. The British follwed them and dispersed once they reached Concord looking for ammunition. The colonists took a spot on a hill over North Bridge, and were able to force the British to retreat back to Boston. More militia's joined from neighboring areas, and helped occupy the land around Boston. -
Second Continental Congress
Second Continental CongressThe Second Continental Congress, like the first, met in Philadelphia. This time, the main question being asked was how the colonists would match the powerful British army. Events such as the Boston Massacre and the Battle of Lexington and Concord had changed everything. Everyone agreed a Continental Army would be created. -
Fort Ticonderoga
Fort TiconderogaEthan Allen led his Green Mountain Bpys and other militias towards Fort Ticonderoga in hopes of capturing the lightly guarded fort. On the way, they met up with Benedict Arnold and his army who had been sent by the Massachusetts government to capture the fort. The two decided to share control, and were able to easily capture the lightly guarded fort. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
Battle of Bunker HillA group of American troops entrenched themselves on Bunker and Breeds hills. The next morning, when the British noticed the colonists position, they headed uphill to attack. The British were eventually able to gain the advantage, but suffered an immense loses. -
"Common Sense" Published
Common SenseThomas Paine's, Common Sense, challenged the authority of Britian and was the first book to onenly speak about independence. Paine's casual writing style made it easy for all Americans to understand. -
British Evacuate Boston
British EvacuateContinental troops managed to move cannons to the top of Drochester Heights. The British realized that they could no longer hold the capitol, and were forced to depart. This was a huge victory for the small Continental Army. -
Declaration of Independence Announced
Declaration AnnouncedOn July 4th, the Continental Congress voted in secret on the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson. It wasn't announced until July 8th. It was announced outside Indepence Hall in Philadelphia by Colonel John Nixon. -
"The Crisis" Published
The CrisisA collection of articles about the Revolutionary War written by Thomas Paine. The articles demonstrated Paine's support for a self-governing country and independent America. -
Washington Captures Trenton.
Washington Captures TrentonWashington ordered his army to attack the Hessians the day after Christmas. He ordered his men to cross the Delaware River. As a result, their gunpowder became wet, forcing the army to take Trenton at bayonet point. -
British Defeated at Saratoga
Batlle of SaratogaThe Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the war. John Burgoyne's army was surrounded by the Continental Army, and forced to surrender. This led the French to then align themselves with the Continetal Army. -
Articles of Confederation Signed
Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of Confederation were the first constitution of the United States. The document created a weak central government and gave most of the power to the states. The document was in use for ten years until the Constitutional Convention in 1787. The document was not ratified by all 13 states until 1781. -
Winter at Valley Forge PA
Winter at Valley ForgeIn the winter of 1777, Washington and his Continental Army faced an extremely harsh winter at Valley Forge. Food was extremely scare, and no soldiers had proper clothing. Their clothes and shoes were worn from the many months of battle. Washington repeatedly wrote to Congress for aid, but to no avail. -
John Paul Jones Defeats the Serapis
John Paul JonesThe Serapis was a British ship that exchanged fire with John Paul Jone's ship. He won the exchnage, and was famous for his quote "I have not yet begun to fight yet." -
John Paul Jones Defeats the Serapis
John Paul JonesThe Serapis was a Britsh ship that exchanged fire with John Paul Jone's Ship. John Paul Jones won the exhcnage on the water against the British. He was famous for his quote "I have not yet begun to fight." -
Benedict Arnold Plans Found Out
Benedict ArnoldOn September 25th, 1780, Benedict Arnold made a plan with British General Sir Henry Clinton claiming that he would give the General Westpoint. To Arnold's disapointment, British Messenger Major John Andr was captured and Arnold's plan was found out. He was declared a traitor and spy by the Americans, and made a British General. -
Cornwallis Surrenders
Cornwallis's SurrenderCornwallis's surrender brought the Revolution. In Yorktown, Virginia, Cornwallis formally surrendered 8,000 British troops to the American and French armies. Cornwallis's men were tired from battles in New Jersey and South Carolina previosly fought. -
Newburgh Conspiracy
Newburgh ConspiracyAt the end of the Revoltuion, Washington brought his army to Newburgh, NY. Many of the soldiers became wary of whether they would be paid back what they were promised during the war. A meeting was held between soldiers, deciding whether to trust Congress or march on the government. This incident is also know as the "Newburgh Address." -
Treaty of Paris Signed
Treaty of ParisThe Treaty of Paris came at the end of the Revolutionary War. It recognized the US as an independent nation and was signed by Breat Britain. the three negoiators from America were John Jay, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams were able to open the US for western expansion and the signature of Britian reasured that the US was now recognized as a new, independent nation. -
Land Ordinance of 1785
Land OrdinanceThe Land Ordinance of 1785 was in put in place to make schooling mandatory and to consolidate schools in the new Western region of the U.S. This was put in place after Congress noticed the differences in schooling in ther earlier settled regions in the U.S. Congress wanted schooling maintained and centralized. -
Ordinance of Religous Freedom
Ordinance of Religous Freedom Ordinance of Religous Freedom was written by Thomas Jefferson. It was the first of many ammedments that began to focus on religous freedom. It was the first document to begin the seperation of church and state. The ordinance was passed by the Virginia legislature. It made sure that no man would be persecuted for his religion or punished for not attending a certain religous event. This later became the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution. -
Shay's Rebellion
Shay's RebellionAfter the Revolution, many farmers in Western MA returned home from the war with no pay for the time they had served. Heavy taxes were issued by the government, and farmers were threatened with the idea of loosing their farms. Veteran and farmer Daniel Shay led the rebellion, His followers forced the courts to close, They demanded a paper currency be put in place. -
Annapolis Convention
Annapolis ConventionThe convention was called by Virignia. Representatives form 5 of 13 states came to Annapolis for the convention. Because not enough states were represented at the meeting, it was decided that a new meeting would be scheduled with the purpose of changing the Articles of Confederation to create a stornger, more powerful union. -
Constitutional Convention Opens
Constitutional ConventionThe convention opened in 1787 and lasted four months. 55 delegates from many different states met to frame a constitution that would help form a federal republic. The delegates were able to write up a federal system that was based off checks and balances. There would be three branches, each with checks over the other to make sure not one could gain power over the others. -
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Northwest OrdinanceThe Northwest Ordinance created a new method of admitting new states to the U.S. from territory. It included a bill of rights for the new territories. It was used essentially throughout the expansion to the Pacific. It stated that a state must have 5,000 free male inhabitants living there and there must be a state bill of rights written to protect religous freedom and other liberties. -
The Great Compromise Agreed To
The Great CompromiseThe Great Compromise, also known as the Conneticut Compromise, was the document passed that suggested the idea of two legislatures. A major arguement was the debate of proportional against equal representation. The document created two legislatures, the Senate (equal representaiton) and the House of Representatives (proportional representation). -
Constitution sent to States for Ratification
Constitution RatificationIn order for the constitution to be ratified in the U.S., it first had to be ratified by nine of the thirteen states. It was sent out to all the states where it soon became a popular debate. Two groups formed over the ratification of the constitution, the Federalist and the Anti-Federalists. The Federalists were in favor of the constitution, while the Anti-Federalist were opposed to the document. -
Federalist Papers Appear
Federalist PapersThe Federalist Papers were written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. The purpose of the papers were to gain popularity to vote in favor of the constitution. They wrote of a strong central government that included representatives from states. -
Anti-Federalists Articles Appear
Anti- FederalistThe Anti-Federalist papers were written by those who opposed the ratification of the constitution. These articles highlighted the weaknesses of the constitution, such as the dangers of tyranny and other weaknesses in the constitution. They wanted to at least incklude a Bill of Rights to the Constitution. -
Delaware Ratifies
Delaware RatifiesDelaware was the first of the thirteen states to ratify the constitution. The vote was 30-0 in Delaware. Thomas Collins, the President of Delaware's convention, signed to validify the document. -
Massachusetts Ratifies
Massachusetts RatifiesMassachussetts was the sixth state to ratify the document. It was the first test for the document, which required an added Bill of Rights to gain the majority in the vote to ratify the cConstitutution. -
New Hampshire Ratifies
New Hampshire Ratifies New Hampshire was the ninth state to ratify the constitution. This officially ratified the Constitution. Along with its radification, New Hamoshire sent many suggestions on how to change the constitution. -
Congress Meets for First Time
Congress MeetsCongress met for the first time in 1789. Many of the first meetings were many disscusions and debates. One of its first acts was the Judiciary Act of 1789. This act included the establishment 13 district courts in major cities and a Supreme Court. -
George Washington Elected President
Washington ElectedMilitary leader George Washington was elected the first President of the U.S., and John Adams was elected the first Vice President. Delegates from all the states met in New York for the vote. Thyey represented the wishes of the people of their states. Washington won with 69 out of 69 votes. -
Bill of Rights sent to States for Ratification
Bill of Rights Sent to StateCongress wrote out the Bill of Rights and sent it to the states for ratification. 12 amendments were written. These amendments were meant to protect the rights of a citizen, such as freedom of religion, the right to peacefully assemble, etc. Virginia was the tenth and final state to ratify the Bill of Rights. -
Bill of Rights Ratification
Bill of Rights RatificatiomAt first, 12 ammendments were originally proposed in 1789. Much debate occured over these until 1791, when a vote of the states was held, and amendments 3-12 were ratified by a three-fourths vote (10 states). The became the first 10 ammendments of the Bill of Rights. -
Virginia and Kentuckey Resolutions
Virginia and KentuckyThe Virginia and Kentuckey Resolutions were a set of resolutions written up by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson. It claimed that the Sedation and Alien Acts had gone too far by the guidelines of the Constitution. These acts weren't favored because they believed to be breaking the first ammendemnt to the Constitution, freedom of speech. Virginia and Kentucky were the only two states to adopt the resolutions. -
Spain Closes the Mississippi River
Spain Closes the MississippiA peace treaty was signed after a war between Great Britain and Spain. The Treaty granted free navigation of the Mississippi to Britain and the US. Spain did not agree, and declared all US ships found in the Mississippi after the 31st parallel would be processed and confiscated. -
Hartford Convention
Hartford ConventionThe convention was a group of New Englanders meeting in Hartfor Connecticut. The convention mainly discussed the unfavorable turns the national government had taken finacially during the War of 1812. -
Missouri Compromise
MissouriThe Missouri Comprimise occured when Missouri wanted to join the country as a slave state. It stated that Misouri could enter the Union asd a slave state along with Maine as a free, evening out the Senate. It also created the 30 60 line. -
Tariff of Abominations Passed
TariffThis was passed to help fix the Northern economy by putting a tax on imported goods. Though this helped the North, it affected the South's econonmy negatively. This gave it the name the Tariff of Abominations. -
South Carlonia tries to Nullify
NullificationSouth Carolina decided that it was in their best interest to nullify the Tariff of Abominations, as it helped the North but hurt the South economically. They found this unconstitutional. and John C calhoun lead the arguement. -
Abolition of Slavery Act
Abolition of SlaverySlavery ended in England in 1833. The Parliament of the United Kingdom abolishing slavery throughout the British Empire but it was later repealed. -
Texas delcares Indepemdemce from Mexico
Texas Delcares IndependenceDelegates from the seventeen Mexican municipalities of Texas and the settlement of Pecan Point met at Washington-on-the-Brazos to consider independence from Mexico. The convention voted unanimously to accept a resolution for independence. Fifty-eight members signed the document, Texas became the Republic of Texas. -
James Polk Elected
James PolkPolk's presidential campaign was centered around the anexation of Texas. He promised he'd fight for the anexation of Texas and for American control of the entire Oregon Territory. He was able to defeat Caly and Birney and win the election. He served one term as the 11th president of the United States. He was known for his policy of expansion and is held responisble for the start of the Mexican war by some -
Mexican War
Mexican WarAfter first offering Mexico money for its northern areas, The US under Polks orders decided to send General Taylor and his troops to the Rio Grande after Mexico refused. After a few Americans were killed, the US declared war on Mexico, and eventually won the land. -
Wilmot Proviso
WilmotThe Wilmot Proviso was written by David Wilmot after the Mexican War. It stated that slavery should be not allowed in the newly attained Western territory. The bill was passed by the House of Representatives yet failed in the Senate -
Fugitive Slave Law Enacted
Fugitive Slave LawThe fugitive slave act was part of the group of lwas reffered to as the Compromise of 1850. This law required citizens to assist in the recovery of fugitive slaves and denied slaves the right to a jury trial. The enactment of this law lead directly to the Underground Railroad. -
California Enters the Union
CaliforniaCalifornia was ceded to U.S. rule under the terms of the Treaty of Guadaloope. Californis entered the union and wanted to become a free state under popular sovernty and by the Compromise of 1850 California was permitted to be admitted to the Union as a free state. -
Publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin
uncle tomsA white woman named Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote this popular anti-slavery novel. It was very popular with 5,000 copies of the first edition printed and sold in two days. By the end of the first year, 300,000 copies had been sold in America alone and in England 200,000 copies were sold. Because of her work, thousands of people rallied to the anti-slavery cause. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act Passed
KansasThe U.S. Congress passed this Act allowing voting residents (white males) in Kansas and Nebraska to vote to allow or not allow slavary within the borders of these two states. This Act repealed the Missouri Comprimise of 1820 by allowing popular sovernty in the area of the unorganized territory. This Act was formed to give the southern states the oppertunity to ballance free and slave states again. Befor, there was no way Kansas or Nebraska would be slave states but with the Act, now they could. -
Formation of Republican Party
RepublicanThe Republican party was founded by anti-slavery expansion activists. It emerged to combat the Kansas-Nebraska Act which threatened the spread of slavary into Kansas and Nebraska. It was made up completely of northerners. -
"Border Ruffians" Attack Lawrence
Border RuffiansOn May 21, 1856 a group of Border Ruffians (proslavary bands from Missouri) entered the Free-State stronghold of Lawrence. There they burned the Free State Hotel, destroyed two newspaper offices and their printing presses, and ransacked homes and stores. Seeking vengence, John Brown, an abolitionist, led a group of men on an attack at Pottawatomie Creek. There, they dragged five proslavery men from their homes and hacked them to death. -
Charles Sumner Attacked
Charles SumnerCharles Summer, supporter of free states, gave a speech called Crimes Against Kansas in which he blamed slave supporting senators, especially Andrew Butler for knowing about the Border Ruffians and doing nothing to stop them. A few days later, Reprasentatinve Preston Brooks of South Carolina took revenge for his relative on Summer. While Summer was at his desk in the Senate Chamber, Brooks beet Sumner with his metal cane, knocking him unconsience. No witness stopped Brooks as he walked out. -
Pottawatomie Creek
Pottawatomie CreekThree days after Border Ruffians from Missouri burned and pillaged the anti-slavery haven of Lawrence, John Brown and his company went to Pottawatomie Creek to get vengance on them. John Brown and his Free-State vollenteers draged 5 men out of their houses and hacked to death. The fall of Lawrence combined with the Pottawatomie killings caused southeastern Kansas to break out into guerilla warfare. -
Dred Scott Decision Announced
Dred ScottThe Dred Scott case was a case brought to the United States Supreme Court in which the slave Dred Scott was suing his master Sanford for his and his family's freedom. He claimed that he had been brought to the free state of Illinois and therefore once free, always free. The case was determined by Chief Justice Roger B. Taney who declared that all blacks -- slaves as well as free -- were not and could never become citizens of the United States and therefore could not bring forth a law suit. -
Lecompton Constitution Passed
Lecompton CreekThe Lecompton Constitution was formed by the Kansas Constitutional convention when they met in Lecompton. This constitution guaranteed a slaveholder’s right to retain ownership of their slaves currently living in the territory, but it also prohibited future importation of slaves to Kansas. If the people kept this in the constitution they would be a slave state but if they didnt, it would be a free state. The people voted to not include this in the constitution, making Kansas a free State. -
Lincoln Douglas Debates
Lincoln-DouglasThese debates were between Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln over the 1858 campaign for a US Senate seat from Illinois. Douglass had been the Senate since 1847 and was a supporter of popular sovernty and was responsible for the Kansas-Nebraska Act while Lincon wanted to end the division betwenn slave and free states. Lincon lost the race to Douglass but won the 1860 election for president. -
Raid At Harper's Ferry
RaidJohn Brown went with 21 other men to Harpers Ferry, a federal arsenal, to support the anti-slavery cause. They crossed the Potomac River, captured the federal armory and arsernal, cut the town's telephone wires, and held 60 citizens of the town hostage in hope that their slaves would join their cause. Local militia, marines and solders ended the uprising and 10 of Brown's men were killed, 7 were captured and 5 escaped. -
Formation of Constitutional Union
Constitutional UNions organized just before the election of 1860. The party followed the Constitution of the county as their political principle. Delegates from 20 states attended the party convention at Baltimore in May, 1860. The party nominated John Bell and Edward Everette were for president and vice president. -
Democrats split 1860
DemocratsThe Democratic party split over the contraversy over popular sovernty. Southern Democrats felt that popular sovernty should be the way free and slave states were divided since it put the decision in the people's hands. Yet, Northern Democrats didn't want popular sovernty because it didnt effectivly prevent the spred of slavery. This division was eveident when they met in two separate conventions in Baltimore. -
Election of 1860
ElectionThe leading political organization of the North was the Republican Party, This party condemmed slavery and wanted to prevent its extension. The South was mostly Democratic and supported slavery. Abraham Lincon, Stephen A. Douglass, John C. Breckinridge, and John Bell ran for president. Lincon recieved 40% of the votes, barely winning him the election. -
Abraham Lincoln Announces Plans for Reconstruction
Abe LincolnLincoln did not believe in punishing the South for their role, but instead wished to reunite and rebuild the Union as one. Lincoln announced his 10% plan. In this plan, Southerners were to take an oath decalring thier loyalty to the Union. Southern states could form new governments and constitutions as long as 10% of their voters supported the Union. Slavery was not allowed in these new constitutions. -
Wade-Davis Bill Recieves Pocket Veto
Wade- Davis BillA more rigid plan for reconstruction by two Republican senators, Wade and Davis. The bill called for 50% of the voters in Southern states instead of Lincoln's 10%. The bill also allowed balck people to vote. Though the bill passed through Congress, it was vetoed by Lincoln. -
Lincoln Re-Elected President
Lincoln Re-ElectedAbraham Lincoln ran for re-election in 1864 jsut as the Civil War came to an end. Though Lincoln represented the Republican party, he chose Democrat Andrew Johnson as his vice president, hoping to try and win over some of the grudging South. Lincoln hoped that if re-elected, he would be able to impose his plans for reconstruction on the South. He defeated General George B. McClellan. -
Formation of the Freedman's Bureau
Freedman's BureauThe Freedman's Bureau was created by Congress to help both black and white people in the South with the transition of slaves to freed men. It was run by the War Department, and its various tasks included overseeing colored schools, settling contract disputes between blacks and their landowners, and securing justice in courts for blacks. -
Abraham Lincoln's Assasination
Lincoln AssasinationOn April 14th, 1865, Lincoln was at Ford's Theatre when prominent actor John Wilkes Booth decided to "avenge the south" and assasinate Lincoln. Lincoln was shot and brought across the street, where he died later in the morning. Booth managed to escape for two weeks, but was eventually found and killed. -
President Andrew Johnson announce Plans for Reconstruction
Johnson ReconstructionJohnson came up with the Amnesty Plan for reconstruction. Much like Lincoln, Johnson's plan required an oath from former confederates of loyalty to the Union. Once this occured, all land and property (except slaves), would be returned. Johnson also declared that a governer would be appointed in each state and draft a new constitution. -
Black Codes Created in Mississippi
Balck CodesThe Balck Codes began as an answer to the laws recently passed by Congress after the war. They basically took all freedom away from black people, stating that no person of color could own propeerty, houses, weapons, or to hold meetings. Some even went as far to say that freedmen were to be in service of their former owners. -
Ratification of the 13th Amendment
13th AmendmentThe 13th amendment abolished slavery in the United States. It was written after the civil war. It was passed by the Senate, House of Representatives, and by Lincoln himself. The necessary number of states later ratified the Constitution. -
Ku Klux Klan Created
Ku Klux KlanThe Ku Klux Klan was the first true terrorist organization in the United States. Their goal was to intimidate Republicans. They dressed in white robes and hoods. they harrassed, tortured, kidnapped, or murdered thier victims. -
Civil Rights Act (1866)
Civil Rights ActThe Civil Rights Act of 1866 granted citizenship and the same rights enjoyed by white citizens to everyone, including freed slaves, in the United States "without distinction of race or color, or previous condition of slavery or involuntary servitude." The bill was vetoed by johnson but passed ny two thirds majority in the Senate. -
Reconstruction Acts Enacted
Reconstruction ActThe Military Reconstruction Act split the succeeded states into five military districts. It required the ratification of the 14th amendment and provisions for equal rights in the previosly succeeded states. It was vetoed by the president but passed anyway. -
Andrew Johnson Impeached
Johnson ImpeachmentAs Johnson continuesly vetoed much of the radical republicans laws, nothing was done in Congress. Johnson was impeached as he breached the Tenure of Office by removing the Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton. The tenure stated that the president could not remove someone from their post without the consent of Congress. Johnson was impeached, but no removed from office. -
Ratification of the 14th Amendment
14th AmendmentThe 14th amendment granted everyone bor nin the United States citizenship and equal protection under the law. Congress was responsible to nuphold this through lesgislation. This amendment was ratified on July 28 1868 after is was passed by the house, the Senate, and ratified by the necessary number of states. -
U.S. Grant Elected President
US GrantU.S Grant was an important military leader and figure in the Civil War for the Union. He ran against Anderew Johnson as a Republican and alligned himself with the radical republicans. -
U.S. Grant Elected President
U.S GrantU.S Grant became president in the 1868 election. Grant sided with Radical Republicans in Congress. He allowed Reconstruction to take its course in the South as he ignored Lincoln and Jackson's original plans. -
Ratification of the 15th Amendment
15th AmendmentThis ammendment garunteed the right to vote regardless of race, color, or previous condition of sertivitude. It was passed by the Senate, Congress, and recieved the number of votes necessary by the states. -
Jim Crow enters American Cultural Language
jim CrowJim Crow was the name of a radical system of laws that existed in the south. The laws basicallly legalized the seperation of African Americans, but treated them as second class citizens. It legalized the seperation of white and black people in public places, and also resulted in poll taxes, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses. -
Hiram Revels Elected to Senate
Hiram RevelsRevels was a politician as well as a minister. Revels was the first Afircan American elected into the Senate and he served for Mississippi for two years. He won with a vote of 81-15. -
Ku Klux Klan Enacted
Ku Klux Klan EnactedCongress authorized President Grant to use martial law as well as the military to fight terrorist organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan. The act was popuraly callled the Ku Klux Klan Act as it allowed Grant to imposed heavy penalties on terrorist organizations. -
Freedman's Bureau Abolished
Freedman's BureauAfter 7 years, the Bureau was abolished as many claimed that promotede the Republican vote. All of the Bureau's reponsibilities were given to the War Department along wsith the army General. -
Civil Rights Act Passed
Civil Rights Act 1875The Civil Rights Act was passed by Congress in 1875. The Act guarunteed everyone regardless of race, color or previous condition of servitude the same treatment at public accomodations. -
Last National Troops Leave South Carolina
Troops leave SCOne of Hayes's first action as president was to remove federal troops from Southern States such as South Carolina and Lousiana. It was also decided that southern railroad projects would recieve the same funding as ones in the north, like the Union Pacific. -
Rutherford B Hayes Elected President
Rutherford B HayesHayes was the 19th President of the United States, Hayes saw the end of Reconstruction as well as leading the U.S. into its second industrial revolution. -
Civil Rights Act Overturned
Civil Rights Act AbolishedAfter the Civil Rights Cases, the Act was considered unconstitutuional. Many argued that Congress did not have the power to discriminate against a race or hold one above or special in the law. The decision came with an 8-1 vote. -
Florida Requires Segregation in Public Places
Florida SegregationFlorida was the first state to enact a statute requiring segregation in places of public accommodation. Eight other states followed Florida's lead by 1892. -
Case of Plessey vs. Ferguson
Plessey vs FerguesonIn 1890, Louisiana passed a law separating blacks and whites on railcars. The case is a landmark US Supreme Court decision, that upheld the constitutionality of state laws requiring racial segregation in public facilities under the doctrine of "separate but equal." The decision was handed down by a vote of 7 to 1