events of the constitution

  • Jun 15, 1215

    magna carta sighned

    recource The magna carta is a document that King John of England was forced to sigh.Because it reduced his power as king of England. The Magna Carta also allowed formation of a parliament, also the basis of England citzens rights. it also demastrated the that the power of the King could be limited.
  • mayflower compact sighed

    resourcethe mayflower compact was a document that was made because of speeches made from the pilgrims that attended at the settle in northern virgina. Since there was no goverment the pilgrams dident feel the need to stay with the colony or do labor. So they put in a some what of a goverment until they could put a real one in for England. Jonh carver, William Bradford, Edward Winslow, were only three out of 41 people who signed the mayflower compact.
  • formation of the new england confederation

    recoursethe confederation was a document of the making of Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Haven, and Plymouth. this formation included the alliences of trade, boundary, religious disputes, this was written by the four puritan colonies. Rhode island and maine was not apart of this confederation because they were afraid of attacks by the French, Dutch, and the indians.
  • The french and indian war begins

    resourseGeorge Washington defeats the the french, in pensyvania, kiling french soldiers plus the french commander. The French and Indian War was the last and most important of a series of colonial conflicts between the British and the American colonists on one side, and the French and their broad network of Native American allies on the other
  • Albany plan of union announced

    recourcein the 1750's there was a riverly between England and France. this war lasted awhile, and left England the dominant power in the area. english officials then suggested to make a union. June 1754 most of the northern colonies and reprsentives from the six nations, met in Albany New York. There they adopted a plan of union, that was drafted by Benjamin Franklin. Under this plan each colonial legislature would elect on a delagates to a american contiental, decided over a royal governer.
  • treaty of paris 1763

    resouse treaty betweem the americans and french, after the defeat we made with the french.
  • royal proclamation 1763

    resoursea document that reserved lands for Aboriginal people ("Indians") and ordered people who had settled on those lands to leave
  • sugar act

    resoursea act to pass by a modified version and sugar and mulases. which was about to expire. when they got caught because of this act they has to pay a certain extra amount on there taxes.
  • stamp act

    resourseThe Stamp Act was passed by the British Parliament on March 22, 1765. The new tax was imposed on all American colonists and required them to pay a tax on every piece of printed paper they used
  • townshend acts

    resourseTaxes on glass, paint, oil, lead, paper, and tea were applied with the design of raising £40,000 a year for the administration of the colonies
  • boston massacre

    resourseThe Boston Massacre was the killing of five colonists by British regulars
  • boston tea party

    resourse The uprising was caused by a series of unfortunate events on the side of Bostonians caused by British oppressors. It all started from the love of tea.
  • congress meets for the first time

    resourse every colony but Georgia sent representatives to what is now called the First Continental Congress. They met in secret because they did not want the British to know that the colonies were uniting. At first there were 44 delegates who met in Carpenter's Hall in Philadelpha. Some of those who came were George Washington, Patrick Henry, John Jay, John Adams, and Samuel Adams. Peyton Randolph of Virginia was chosen president.
  • first continental congress

    resoursethe first meeting was at the carpenters hall in philsdelphia. These were elected by the people, by the colonial legislatures, or by the committees of correspondence of the respective colonies.
  • patrick henry- "gives me liberty or give me death"

    resoursespeech was made to avoid interference with Lieutenant-Governor Dunmore and the royal marines.
  • paul reveres ride

    resoursethis is a poem that Paul wrote
  • battle of lexington and concord

    resourseBritish General Thomas Gage sent 700 soldiers to destroy guns and ammunition the colonists had stored in the town of Concord, just outside of Boston
  • fort tisonderoga

    resourseSamuel Adams and others had been convinced that when war came, the British would attempt to isolate New England from the other colonies. The most obvious method of doing so was to send an army southward from Canada over the 'superhighway' of the era — up the Richelieu River to Lake Champlain, then to Lake George, the Hudson River and on to New York City while capturing strategic points along the way.
  • secong continental congress

    resoursethe benefit of the doubt was granted. Now the professional imperial army was attempting to arrest patriot leaders, and minutemen had been killed in their defense. In May 1775, with Redcoats once again storming Boston, the Second Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia.
  • battle of bunker hill

    resoursewar between the british and americans, On the Charlestown Peninsula on the North side of Boston Harbour. While the British drove the Americans from the Charlestown peninsula it was with heavy loss. The battle was at the time considered to be an American defeat but has since been lifted to the ranks of a heroic stands against forces of oppression.
  • stamp act congress

    resoursewas the first offcial intercolonial gathering of the revolutanary era.
  • benedict arnold plans found out

    resoursearnold had plans to invade canada, but were found by people that were slooping around.
  • common sense published

    resourseThe Battle of Bunker Hill in June ’75 had shaken the British army so badly they’d been on the back foot ever since. And by March of 1776 Washington’s advance on Boston would drive the bulk of that army into Canada. Of course, King George would respond with a lengthy military campaign and the War of Independence would continue for some years
  • british evacuate boston

    resourse American Brigadier General John Thomas, under orders from Washington, secretly led a force of 800 soldiers and 1,200 workers to Dorchester Heights and began fortifying the area
  • declaration of independence

    resoursea document made on july 4, 1776 that reads the rights of the people.
  • "he crisis"published

    resoursea pamphlet series by 18th century enlightment philophosper and auther thomas paine.
  • washington captures trenton

    resourse part of a campaign against the British forces in NJ, during the American Revolution during the 1776-1777 winter. Here is a general account of that campaign.
  • british defeated at saratoga

    resourse5,895 British and Hessian troops surrendered their arms. General John Burgoyne had lost 86 percent of his expeditionary force that had marched into New York from Canada in the early summer of 1777.
  • winter at valley forge, pennsylvania

    resoursea awful war, that happened at forge when they got attacked by the french. lasted 1777 till 1778
  • john paul jones defeats the serapis

    resourseThe Battle of Flamborough Head was fought September 23, 1779, between Bonhomme Richard and HMS Serapis was part of the American Revolution (1775-1783).
  • articles of confederation sighed

    recoursethe articles of confederation was sighed by the union of each state such as New-hampshire, Massachusetts-bay, Rhode-island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, South-Carolina, and Georgia. this article stated that every country that sighed would agree to be there for all the other countries. also it was said that every country cannot fight or begin war with eachother, to always keep good relashionship.
  • general cornwallis surrenders

    resoursewas the name of a painting of john trumbull
  • Newburgh conspiracy

    recourceGeorge Washington faced a threat from the civil goverment from the new nation, about how the men were restless, and really wanted to come home, very angry about not getting there pay. more and more problems came in and never had an action tookin. after more and more problems came in it got to be to much, so George made a speech to everyone explaining his reasoning for not taking action, or why he did things differently.
  • treaty of Paris sighed

    recourseThe United States, Great Britain, Spain, and France sighed this treaty. this treaty explained about being a free nation. When britian notice his 13 former american colonies and the new rebuplic. it was agreed upon Florida.
  • Spain crosses Mississippi River

    resource the closing of the missippissi river was done by, floridablancas. Rendon sent a letter that said to the congress of spain that they dont have the right to go down the river, and to warn the americans not to show themselfs.
  • land ordinance of 1785

    recoursethe cession of the state of the land assured, congress contuned to administer the new domain. so a ordinance was created. witch ment that the foundations of american policys was laid down until the homestead act.
  • shays rebellion

    resourceshays rebelion was a armed uprising in massashusetts. this was mostly done by farmers who were getting crushed by dept and taxes.
  • annapolis convention

    resoursea convetion to discuss a uniform regulation of commence. 5 out of 35 states showed up,
    Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Virgina
  • constitional convetion opens

    resourseafter united states won there independence, from england 55 state delegates, met in philadephia to compose the new constitiution.
  • ordinance of religious freedom

    resourcethis is a statement about both freedoms of consience, and the princples of seperation of church and the state. this was written by Thomas Jeffersen.
  • northwest ordinance of 1787

    resourcethe northwest ordinance was when the Second Continental Congress, chartered a government for the Northwest Territory, provided a method for admitting new states to the Union from the territory, and listed a bill of rights guaranteed in the territory
  • great compromise agreed to

    resoursemembers od congress boarded a a special train at union staion, that took them to pheladelphia, to mark a congressional anaversery. there was 200 members.
  • federlalist papers appear

    resourseWhen the public is called to investigate and decide on a question in which not only the present members of community are deeply interested, the benevolent mind cannot help feeling itself peculiarly interested in the result.
  • anti-federlist appear

    a document that explains the freedom that the people have under a anti-federlist govement. this was only sighed by the govement.
  • delaware ratifies constitution

    resourse this was when Delaware becomes the first state to ratify the Constitution, doing so by a unanimous vote.
  • massachusetts ratifies constitution

    resourseThe Convention have impartially discussed, & fully considered the Constitution for the United States of America, reported to Congress by the Convention of Delegates from the United States of America, & submitted to us by a resoltion of the General Court of the said Commonwealth.
  • new hampshire ratifies constitution

    resourseNew Hampshire becomes the ninth and last necessary state to ratify the Constitution of the United States, thereby making the document the law of the land.
  • bill of rights sent for ratifaction

    the First Federal Congress of the United States proposed to the state legislatures twelve amendments to the Constitution
  • bill of rights ratified

    resoursebecame the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution and contained guarantees of essential rights and liberties omitted in the crafting of the original document.
  • constitution sent to states for ratification

    resoursemaking the last couples of states part of the united states. for example is New hampshire.