The Marshall Plan
The Marshall Plan was a plan made up by General George Marshall that provided help to all European nations that needed it inorder to help rebuild their economy. The goal was to remove trade barriers, modernize industry and make European countries prosperous. -
Creation of NATO
NATO was a defensive military alliance formed by ten Western European countries, Canada and the US. It was created when the Berlin blockade increased Western European fear of the Soviets. The memebers of NATO agreed that if there was an attack on one country, there was attack on all the countries in NATO. It was the first time that the US entered into a military alliance with other nations during peacetime. -
Soviets Create & Test Nuclear Bomb
The Soviet Union exploded ther first nuclear weapon at their testing site on the Kazakhstan steppe. Many people think this was the beginning of the nuclear arms race. -
The Korean War
The Korean War happened when North Korea crossed the 38th parallel and invaded South Korea. After the invasion North America stepped into help South Korea. They spent 2 years negotiating with North Korea and in the end they came up with an agreement. The agreement spilt the South Korea and North Korea. -
Creation of Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw Pact was a military alliance formed by the Soviet Union and Eastern European satellites and was kind of in response to the created of NATO. -
Vietnam War
The Vietnam War was between nationalist that were trying to make Vietnam a communist government and the United States, who were supported by South Vietnamese and were trying to stop the spread of communism. Eventually President Nixon withdrew U.S. forces amd communist forces gained control of Saigon which ended the war. -
Soviet Launch Sputnik
Sputnik was the first ever artificial satellite and marked the start of the space age and the U.S.-U.S.S.R space race. -
Bay of Pigs
The Bay of Pigs was an invasion by the Cuban refugees trying to bring down Cubans communist government which was controlled by Fidel Castro. The invasion was not a success. -
The Berlin Wall Goes Up
The Berlin Wall was a wall that divide East Germany and West Berlin and was a symbolic boundary between Communism and democracy. The wall was a hunderd of miles, made out of concrete and ran through center of Berlin. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban missile crisis was when there were nuclear-armed Soviet missiles that were located on Cuba. The US made a naval blockade around Cuba and was ready to use military action if they needed to. The crisis ended when the Soviet leader offered to remove the Cuban missiles in exchange for the US not to invade Cuba. -
The Six Day War
The Six Day War was fought between Israel and the United Arab Republic (Egypt, Syria and Jordan). After six days of fighting Israel took control of the Gaza Strip, Sinai Penisula, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golden Heights. -
US Sends a Man to the Moon
Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon, followed by Buzz Aldrin a couple of minutes later. This placed the US ahead of the Soviets in the space race and gave people hope for further space exploration. -
Olympic Rivalry: 1972 Basketball Game
The 1972 Olympic rivalry basketball game was against the US and the USSR. The game had a quite controversial ending. -
Fall of Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall divided West Berlin and East Germany. It was also the symbolized democracy and Communism during the Cold War. On the evening of November 9th, a East German government offical announced that the borders were open. German people celebrated and began to chip away the wall. -
The Collapse of the Soviet Union