Chinese Revolution
The country was split between nothern sections led by Mao Zedong, a communist leader, and the southern sections, led by Chiang Kai- shek. The Communists is the north were battling the Nationalists in the South. When the war finally broke out, America sent thousands of troops to help the south. We helped the south because we wanted to stop the spreading of communism. When containment had failed, China had become a communist country. Different countries wanted their own governments. -
Korean War
Koreans from the north invaded the south over the 38th paralell, which was the temporary boarder, even though boarders were constantly being moved and adapted for whoever invaded. After WWII, Korea was divided between the U.S. and the Soviets. Each had half. Syngman Rhee of the south battled Kim II Sung of the north, and both had had much support from the U.S. and Soviets, respectively. This played a role in the Cold War because Americans saw that communism could spread. -
Uprising in Hungary
Different countries' governments were controlling different areas accross the map. Hungary, hapened to be under control of Russia. Hungary, of cousre, wanted its reedom because many of the leaders had attacked one another. People flooded the streets and were ready for fighting to be over. It had been speculated that Hungary wanted to leave the Warsaw pact, which, triggered the invasion of Budapest, in an attempt by Russia, to regain control. Russian leader Kruschev, was done compromising. -
Sputnik Launched
The Soviet Union launched the first successful rocket the size of a beach ball into orbit. It was a satelite that was 183 pounds and designed to orbit the earth in about 100 minutes. This launch, was the start of the space race, between America, and the Soviet Union. Many Americans began to worry about Soviet capabilities. The Soviets quickly got to work on their seconds rocket, while the U.S. got to work on its first. Wernher Von Braun was part of the team. -
U2 Spy Plane Shot Down
While flying oiver the Soviet Union, the American spy plane was shot down. This U-2 spy plane was meant to fly extremely high and be able to take HD pictures of the Soviet Union below. When Americans were confident that the Soveits did not have defenses to this, they began flights (1956). Soviet leaders had capured botht the plane, and the pilot, which was the single biggest fear the U.S. had. The pilot, Francis Gary Powers, was realesesd in a trade. Americans were of cousre suspicios. -
Berlin Wall Goes Up
Nikita Khrushchev decided not to block all ties to the city of Berlin by closing down roads, but he decided to attain concrete in order to simply buill a wall around the city. This would soon end Berlin's problems, but only made the Cold War, even closer. The wall wasw meant to reduce the number of people fleeing because of the governmental struggles. The wall, even with its good intentions, was said to be a symbol of communist oppression. A hot line was set up for instant communication. -
Cuban Missile Crissis
Cuba's leader, Fidel Castro, had openly declared himself to be a communist. In the summer of 1962, there was an increase in weapons and missiles going to Cuba, and many people feared the worst. Photos had been taked to reveal that Cuba was building a plane base where they were keeping their missiles. The president, Kennedy, was determiined to maintain containment, but knew that was a soft spot in America's defenses. After the missile crisis had been avioded, attention was on West Berlin. -
Uprising in Czechoslovakia
When Czechoslavakia decided to take its post- war plans away from other coutries, it ended up pushing the idea of more labor and manufacturing. Due to poor planning, this left the country in alomost worse shape, with low productivity and poor quality. The communist country was also having problems with the governmental system. When the new leader, Alexander Ducek, wanted to move things back to where they were, troops from different countries wanted their own governmental stratagies. -
Russia Invades Afghanistan
When Afghanistan examined civil war, due to the changing ideas of the leader, Hazifullhan Amin, Russia decided to invade the country. The original plans were to merely support the government, however Russians wanted more. When Amin was shot, a new leader stepped up, but, required the forces of 85,000 Russian soldiers to stay in power. When Afghanistan was torn , many people thought Russia should leave the Muslim religion untouched. Russia, stayed anyway. All of this was to stop communism.