Truman Doctrine
Promise that the United States would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent their falling into Soviet sphere. In other words it was another atempt to stop the outbreak of communism in Europe. -
The Marshall Plan
An American program to help the rebuilding of Europe by aiding them in any sort of need. This was made in order to stop the spreading of communism throughout Europe. Europe was in desperate need of help so while they were recieving support from the United States communism was also spreading at a less rapid rate because of it. -
Berlin Airlift
Russians feared the reunification of Germany because Germany invaded Russia both times that they came to power. The russians feared a unified West Berlin which would likely be powerful and anti-soviet. The first step was closing down the Auto-Bahn calling for repairs on the highway that needed to happen. Then from there they halted all traffic from the East and West. Soviets stopped supplies going into Berlin in fear of a strong power. -
Creation of NATO
11 nations and the United States formed NATO to stop the further spread of communism. This lead to the other creation of the Warsaw pact who were the opposing forcers of NATO. These 11 nations combined their militaries to create a larger force much more capable of stopping the spread of communism. -
Korean War
A war between North Korea and South Korea who had allies with different super powers of the world. This invasion was the first military action of the Cold War. North Korea was backed by the Soviets while South Korea was backed by the United States. The United States viewed it as a battle against communism itself. This war lead to the division of North and South Korea. -
Rosenberg Spy Case
They were accused of espionage by the United States by passsing information about an atomic bomb to the Soviet Union. They where both engineers and they where caught by the United States army for espionage and were later executed. -
Warsaw Pact
The creating of the Warsaw Pact was in response to NATO. The Warsaw pact occured six years after the creating of Nato. It was formed to get Germany to become a super power again with their army and join the Soviets. -
Vietnam War
The war was between North Vietnam which was backed up by the Communists and South Vietnam which was backed up by the United States. The United States was trying to stop communism from spreading into South Vietnam from the communist party of Ho Chi Minh who just occupied North Vietnam. -
Launch of Sputnik
Launching of a unmanned satellite by the Soviet Union into space. United States disappointed in how far ahead the Soviet Union was compared to the more tecnologically advanced United States. Fear by the United States that the Soviet Union was further ahead in the arms race. -
Bay of Pigs
The United States tried to overthrow the cuban government leader Fidel Castro. The invasion of Cuba failed which lead to a strenghtened the poistion of Castro in Cuba's government. The United States government got the CIA to plan the overthrow of Castro which ended up failing. -
Rise Of the Berlin Wall
The wall completly cut off East Germany and East Berlin from West Berlin. The wall was created in belieft that all of Germany and Berlin were not anti-nazism. The wall was created in terms trying to keep the "Western Facists" out of Germany and stop the spreading of Communism. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
Military and political standoff between Soviets and United States over the installation of nuclear missles on Cuba. U.S made an agreement that the Soviets would remove the missles if the United States promised not to invade Cuba. -
U.S sends a man to the moon
This was the goal of the space race of the United States vs the Soviet Union. The United States sent Apollo 11 to the moon with Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong up to the moon first. -
Fall of Berlin Wall
Germans began building a wall which kept "Western Facists" out of the already occupied East Germany. The purpose of the wall was to keep East Germans out of West Germany. -
Collapse of the Soviet Union
The Soviet Union believed that they must reduce their arms race with the United States and remove troops from Afghanistan in order to have a more peacefully agreement with the United States. Uprisings took place in the Soviet Union which started the downfall of the Soviet Union. The first uprising was in Poland this sparked peaceful revolutions throughout the Soviet Union.