Events of the American Revolution

  • SPARK- Lexington And Concord

    SPARK- Lexington And Concord
    The British were going to launch a sneak attack on Lexinton and Concord to caputre the Colonial leaders and seize the gunpowder but some friends of the Americans snuck the words to the them and the word spread and the Americans got prepared for the attack. In the end, when the smoke cleared, the Colonists won. Swaggie Friends
  • FIRST- Battle Of Bunker Hill

    FIRST- Battle Of Bunker Hill
    The American soldiers had orders to srrive at Bunker Hill so that they could easily destroy the British ships. But the soldiers misunderstood and went to Breed's Hill and got entrenched themselves closer to the British troops.d THe Britsh launched two unsuccessful attacks at the Americans but then on the third wave, the Americans were low on ammunation so the British had anb advantage and so then defeated the Americans. Keep'em Comin'
  • Turning Point- Saratoga

    Turning Point- Saratoga
    This is a tuning point becaue nearly 6000 British troops surrened their arms. Also General John Burgoyne lost 86% of his troops in this battle. THe troops that had triumphantly marched from New York up to Canada earlier. OohKillEm
  • Period: to

    Low Point- Valley Forge

    Valley Forge is not a battle that happened in the war. It was a six month encampment in which the Americans were very cold, ill-equiped, unexperienced, and tired. This was a low point because the American army was very tired and in no shape to fight and they were cold so if they got attacked, they would have lost. bUt luckily, they wern't attacked. Lucky
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  • Articles Of Confederation

    Articles Of Confederation
    The Articles of Cenfederation was a way to set up the government in case of freedom. It stated the name of the country, the powers that each state had, said that each state had one vote in the congress, only the central government was allowed to cunduct foreign affairs, explained the basic powers of the congress, and declares that only congress can be the one to change it. This was a very weak system for government. WeAreReadyForFreedom
  • Last- Yorktown

    Last- Yorktown
    The Americans were suffering loses in the 1780, but the Amercans were getting help dfrom the French. The French were distrupting the British blockade. The British were planning to stay in the Chesapeke Bay until a fresh new batch of supplies were shipped over from Britain. But they wern't able to do that. The French navy blocked them off the Britich from the bay and soon made them surrender the army of 8,000 troops. NotInMyHouse
  • Resolution- Treaty of Paris 1783

    Resolution- Treaty of Paris 1783
    Even after the battle of Yorktown, the British kept on fighting, but the citizens in Britain didn't like it. In the next March, the Americans started peace agreements with the British. The Americans sent Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay to talk over the peace. The Europeans played off of the greatest rivalries to make the most favorable agreement. In 1783, the British gave in and gave Americans their freedom. GiveItToUs