Events of the 1850s

  • Virigina & Kentucky Resolutions Written

    Virigina & Kentucky Resolutions Written
    Political statements written in 1798 and 1799 in which the legislatures argued that the federal Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional.
  • Hartford Convention meets during War of 1812

    Hartford Convention meets during War of 1812
    A meeting in which The New England Federalists met to discuss their worries about the ongoing War of 1812 and the problems due to the government's increasing power. They discussed the removal of the three fifths clause that gave more power to slave states.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    An agreement that regulated slavery passed by the pro-slavery and anti-slavery parts of the country. It stated the Louisiana Territory could no longer prohibit slavery.
  • Tariffs of Abominations passed

    Tariffs of Abominations passed
    Passed by Congress to protect industry in the north. It was labled an abomination by the southerners because it hurt the south's economy. The south had to pay more money on the products that they didn't produce.
  • South Carolina tries to nullify

    South Carolina tries to nullify
    South Carolina was hurt by the tariffs of 1828, they decided to nullify the tariffs within the boundries of the state becaquse they felt that these tariffs were unconstitutional.
  • Abolition of Slavery act 1833

    Abolition of Slavery act 1833
    This Act abolished slavery made by Parliment, abolished slavery throughout the United Kingdom. At first, only slaves below the age of 6 were freed and others became "apprentices".
  • Texas Declares Independence from Mexico

    Texas Declares Independence from Mexico
    This was the formal declaration of independence from Mexico by the Republic of Texas. This caused Mexico and Texas to go to war. The Texas Revolution was similar to the U.S. revolution.
  • James Polk elected

    James Polk elected
    James Polk's main goal was to expand the United States westward. This would help increase the nation's economy. He beat Henry Clay in the election after he was expected to lose the race.,_1844
  • Mexican War

    Mexican War
    Armed war between the U.S. and Mexico over the Texas territory. Mexico considered Texas a part of their country even though Texas had revolted to break loose from them.âAmerican_War
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    This event that led up to the American Civil War would have banned slavery in all territories aquired from Mexico. The proviso made it passed the House twice but failed to pass the Senate both times.
  • California enters the Union

    California enters the Union
    The gold rush brought more and more people to California and the growing population left the state in need of a government. Congress allowed California to enter the union as a free state leaving the Senate unbalanced between the slave and free states.
  • The Fugitive Slave Law enacted

    The Fugitive Slave Law enacted
    This law, passed by Congress, stated that everyone in the country had to return run away slaves back to their owners. This contoversial event intesified fear in the North for Slave Power conspiracy.
  • Publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin
    This was an anti-slavery novel written by American author Harriett Beecher Stowe. The novel "helped lay the ground work" for the Civil War because it sparked fury in the Northerners who hadn't realized monstronsity of slavery in the South. This book was the best selling novel of the 19th century and only surpassed by the bible in copies sold.'s_Cabin
  • Formation of the Republican Party

    Formation of the Republican Party
    This party was created partially to fight against the Kansas-Nebraska Act to prolong slavery and expand it into the other territories. It scarcely exist in the South but it was popular in the North. Abraham Lincoln was the First Republican president in the United States and he led the Union to victory to abolish slavery.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act passed

    Kansas Nebraska Act passed
    This act opened up the states of Kansas and Nebraska. These were two new places for settlement and the act allowed settlers of that area to choose whether they wanted slavery or not, therefore repealing the Missouri compromise.âNebraska_Act
  • Charles Sumner attack

    Charles Sumner attack
    After Senator Charles Sumner made a pssionate speech that shunned those who wanted slavery in the Kansas Territory, he was brutally beaten at his desk by Represenative Preston Brooks who was later praised by the South for his actions. This event foreshadowed events to come involving the whole country.
  • "Border Ruffians" attack Lawrence

    "Border Ruffians" attack Lawrence
    The Border Ruffians were pro-slavery activists from Missouri that crossed over into Kansas to make the people there accept slavery. They also attacked settlements in states that prohibited slavery. This violence led to the term "Bleeding Kansas" and contributed to the onset of the Civil War.
  • Pottawatomie Creek Massacre

    Pottawatomie Creek Massacre
    In reaction to the sacking of Lawrence, John Brown, an abolitionist, led a group of men to the slave settlement of Pottawatomie and there they killed 5 settlers. John Brown was offended and outraged by the proslavery acts in which had been commited and described them as cowardly.
  • Dred Scott Decision announced

    Dred Scott Decision announced
    This decision made by the supreme court, said that blacks will never be able to become citizens of the U.S. It also declared that the Missouri Compromise was considered unconstitutional and it permitted slavery in all states.
  • Lecompton Constitution passed

    Lecompton Constitution passed
    This document was written in response to the anti-slavery constitution of 1855 in Topeka. A group of slave owners met at the capital of Lecompton to draft the rival document. Many of the settlers in Lecompton were antislavery and voted against the document.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Lincoln-Douglas Debates
    A series of 7 arguments between Republican Lincoln and Demcratic Douglas. The topics of the debates were issues that Lincoln would have to face after winning the 1860 election; they mostly incuded slavery.âDouglas_debates
  • Raid At Harper's Ferry

    Raid At Harper's Ferry
    When abolitionist John Brown led a slave revolt in which he attempted an attack on the Arsenal of Harper's Ferry in Virginia. This revolt was defeated by a detachment of Marines. John Brown had asked Harriet Tubman and Fredrick Douglas to be apart of the rebellion but Tubman fell ill and Douglas thought the plan would fail so he didn't join in.'s_raid_on_Harpers_Ferry's_raid_on_Harpers_Ferry
  • Democrats Split in 1860

    Democrats Split in 1860
    The Democrats of the 1860 election spplit in to two groups. The Southern deomcrats wanted canidate Douglas to support slavery, but if he did, the Northern democrats would vote Republican. This election was one of the important events leading to the Civil War,
  • Formation of Constitutional Union Party

    Formation of Constitutional Union Party
    A political party formed by former whigs that didn't want to go against the Union over the slavery issue. The whigs joined with some southern democrats and former Know-Nothings to form the party. Their beliefs were to not recognize any principle other than the Constitution's.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The election in which President Lincoln was elected. Right before Lincoln was inaugerated, seven of the southern states "left" the U.S. and formed the Confederate States of America because they knew Lincoln didn't accept slavery. After this the Union admitted Nevada, West Virginia, and Kansas.,_1860