Events of the 16th and 17th Century

  • Founding of Jamestown

    Jamestown was founded in Virgina. It was the first colony in the Americas. It was founded by the English when they came across from Europe.
  • John Rolfe Brings Tobacco

    In 1612, John Rolfe brought tobacco to America. It made the settlers a lot of money and the colony prospered. This was when the men brought the women over to officially settle into the Americas.
  • First African American Slaves were Sold at Jamestown

    Colonists brought African Americans to Jamestown on this day. They brought them here to raise crops and be servants to settlers. This was the beginning of a very long battle in the Americas.
  • Pilgrims Land at Plymouth

    The pilgrims left Plymouth, England on September 6, 1620. They were ready to start a new life in America. They landed here on November 11 of that same year. It took them two months to get here. Many people died on this voyage.
  • John Winthrop becomes Governor

    John Winthrop picked up himself and his family and made the journey to America. He was elected governor before the ship made it here. He was an inspirational man in the colonies.
  • King Phillip's War

    King Phillip's war was started because a band of Wampanoag indians raided the border of Massachusetts and massacred the colonists. The colonists retailiated by doing the same to to the indians villages. The colonists eventually took out all of the indians and started colonial expansion.
  • Pueblo Revolt

    The Pueblo indians begsn s revolt because they were tired of being in an economic crisis. They were losing land and their people. The Pueblos were important because they actually won against the Spanish with no special skill.
  • William Penn and Pennsylvania

    William Penn was given the territory of Virginia by King Charles. He was a quaker that wanted to provide a haven for other quakers. He also wanted to make a profit from his land and crops in Pennsylvania.
  • LaSalle takes Louisiana

    Lasalle had to get approval from the King of France to take the territory of France. He got the approval from the king for his interest in fighting the Spanish for the Gulf of Mexico. In the end all of the French that had come to help with this plan died from smallox and were slaughtered by Natives.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    The Salem witch trials were held because at that time, it was believed that if you were different, you were a witch. These trials were brutal and a lot of innocent people were killed. A lot of them were killed by neighbors who didn't like them and just wanted to see them gone. Puritans had some serious issues.