Events of Holocaust

  • Hitler Comes to Power

    Hitler Comes to Power
    with the exception of the Socialists and
    Communists—passed the “Enabling Act” giving Hitler
    the power to rule by emergency decree.
  • Citizens to Outcasts

    Citizens to Outcasts
    The Nazis initiated a boycott of Jewish shops and businesses across Germany
  • "Night of Broken Glass"

    "Night of Broken Glass"
    were vandalized and burned,
    7,500 Jewish businesses were
    damaged or destroyed, 96 Jews
    were killed, and nearly 30,000
    Jewish men were arrested and
    sent to concentration camps.
  • Search for Refuge

    Before being aloud to leave, Jews had to get an exit visa, plus pay large sums of money in taxes and additional fees.
  • American Responses

    The passenger ship St. Louis, seen here
    before departing Hamburg, sailed from Germany to
    Cuba carrying 937 passengers, most of them Jews.
  • Life in the Ghetto

    Life in the Ghetto
    German authorities sealed the Warsaw ghetto, severely restricting supplies for the more than 300,000 Jews.
  • Mobile Killing Squads

    Mobile Killing Squads
    About a quarter of all Jews who perished in the Holocaust
    were shot by SS mobile killing squads and police battalions
    following the German invasion of the Soviet Union.
  • Concentration Camp

    Concentration Camp
    The majority of Jews who entered the
    Nazi killing centers were murdered in gas