Bertha Wilson
Bertha Wilson was the first female to be appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada. She was first appointed to the Ontario Court of Appeal in 1975 where people were amazed with her decisions on cases based on human rights, sex discrimination and many more. She was then appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada, since the public insisted that a female joins the Supreme Court. -
Bertha Wilson
From then on, she has participated in many court decisions including the case on Abortion. It is significant because this shows the rise of women's rights and status in Canada. And the improvement in women's right helped the society to evolve and made Canada a better country. -
Canadian Constitution Act
Canada was a developing country that was becoming nicely independently and they finally got their Constitution. The Queen and Pierre Elliot Trudeau marked the Constitution Act in 1982. this Constitution includes the British North America Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. in 1982. -
Canadian Constitution Act
The Queen signed saying that now Canada will have its own Constitution with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, in Ottawa, explaining many laws that are necessary for living a peaceful life for Canada. It includes laws on fundamental rights, democratic rights, mobility rights, legal rights and equality rights. It is also able to understand Canada’s multicultural heritage, including their language and education rights, and have laws based on that as well. -
The Oka Crisis
A 78 day standoff between Oka, a town and the Mohawk people. This crisis was caused by the town wanting to build a golf course on the Mohawk people’s land. It was used by the Quebec government during World War 2. Although the Mohawk people tried to take their land back the Quebec government did not return it. -
The Oka Crisis
This crisis proves how badly the aboriginal people in Canada were treated before and is significant to Canada till today, because it reminds us how they were treated compared to how they should have been treated. -
The Gulf War
Saddam Hussein, leader of Iraq, accused Kuwait and thge United Arab Emirates of the flood that happened in the world oil market. on August 2, 1990, the military forces of Iraq invaded Kuwait. Canda and the United States particpated in the Gulf War and eventually, defeated Saddam Hussein. -
The three countries, Canada, U.S. and Mexico signed a treaty known as the North American Free Trade Agreement, which explains that some of the goods being traded between these countries will be tax-free. This has affected their economies positively and this shows that the whole North America is united. -
World Trade Centre
Suicide bombers drove two passenger planes into the World Trade Center in the United States. This was an act of terrorism targetted at the US but could happen anywhere in the world. Canada was affected because when the US went to war to fight terrorism in the Afghan war, we sent resources. This also affected us because as a nation we upped our security out of paranoia that something like that will happen to us. Security got tighter in airports and immigrants were making sure there was no threat. -
Same Sex Marriage
Through heavy debates in the past accepting the old definition of marriage then changing it slightly, gay marriage was finally accepted as a legitimate marriage. This is a huge step forward in human equality and rights. It's a big deal because in the past, Christianity was the dominant religion that only accepted marriage between a man and woman. Now people have grown to accept other types of marriages. Slowly from these events, other countries have started to think this such as Ireland. -
End of Afghanistan War
13 years later from the Kabul Afghanistan at the ISAF HQ, Canada lowers the flag to announce their completion in the Afghan war. Canada was a great supporter of the US since the Afghan War initially started. in this war, CAnada has sent, 40 000+ soldiers and has fought by the US’s side in this war and has proven to Canada what a great country they are by helping when they are needed.