Vietnam soldiers 1

Events Leading Up to Vietnam War

  • Ho Chi Minh Creates a Provisional Government

    Ho Chi Minh Creates a Provisional Government
    Ho Chi Minh creates the provisional government called the National Liberation Committee of Vietnam after Japan surrenders to the allied forces. The Vietnminh now has power in Vietnam.
  • Ho Chi Minh Declares Independence in Vietnam

    Ho Chi Minh Declares Independence in Vietnam
    Independence declared. The British try to give the power to the French.
  • French and Vietminh Negotiate Over Vietnam

    Decide the Vietnam is a free state in teh French Union. Now French troops occupy Vietnam.
  • Indochina War Begins

    Indochina War Begins
    The Democratic Republic of Vietnam launches first attack against the French.
  • Elysee Agreement Signed

    French agree to help aid in the building of an anti-Communist army in Vietnam.
  • Chinese and Soviets Will Help Aid Vietminh

    Chinese and Soviets Will Help Aid Vietminh
    Offer weapons to aid militarty. Supporting communism.
  • US Decides to Send Money to Aid French

    US sends $15 million of military aid and assistance to France in Indochina war. Supporting anti-Communist French.
  • Battle Of Dien Bien Phu

    Battle Of Dien Bien Phu
    Lasts until May. French defeated and get driven out of Vietnam.
  • Geneva Conference Begins

    Geneva Conference Begins
    Vietnam is divided at the 17th parallel. North of this line, Vietnam is controlled by the communist Vietminh and Ho Chi Minh. South of this line is governed by Ngo Dinh Diem and the State of Vietnam. The United States never actually agrees to this.
  • France Gives Laos Independence

    France Gives Laos Independence
    After France falls at Dien Bien Phu, Laos is given independence from France. Outside countries are pressuring Laos to become communist or anti-communist. Vietminh forces move into Laos and spread communist propoganda.
  • Diem Does Not Respect the Conditions of Geneva Accords

    Diem refuses to participate in a nationwide election for the new ruler, because he knows that he will lose.
  • Ho Chi Minh Trail Used to Transport Weapons

    Ho Chi Minh Trail Used to Transport Weapons
    A trail of complex routes is created through Vietnam's neighboring countries. Weapons and people for the North Vietnamese army were sent from North Vietnam into South Vietnam.
  • JFK Elected President

    JFK Elected President
    John F. Kennedy beat Richard Nixon in a close election for the presidency.
  • Coup Attempt Against Diem

    Coup Attempt Against Diem
    Members of ARVN attempt to overthrow Diem, but fail. The people did not like his autocratic rule and how he would promote his close family members for government jobs. Diem survives the coup.
  • Vietcong is Formed

    Vietcong is Formed
    The National Liberation Front is formed by Hanoi to use against South Vietnam. Diem calls this army the Vietcong.
  • LBJ Tours Saigon

    LBJ Tours Saigon
    Vice President, Lyndon B. Johnson, meets with Diem in Saigon. He agrees to send 20,000 men for army.
  • Counter-Insurgency Plan

    JFK decides to help South Vietnam by sending money, training of troops and weapons.
  • JFK sends General to Vietnam

    Kennedy sends Genereal Maxwell Taylor to Vietnam. Taylor recommends sending combat troops, but Kenneddy does not approve.
  • Battle of Ap Bac

    Battle of Ap Bac
    Vietcong deafeats South Vietnamese Army at the Battle of Ap Bac.
  • Buddhist Protests

    Buddhist Protests
    Diem does not allow Buddhists to hang flags when celebrating Buddha's brithday, so there is a riot. Several Buddhists get killed. Oe person burns himself to death in protest. This shocks the American people and JFK.
  • Second Attempt at a Coup Against Diem

    Members of the South Vietnamese Army overthrow Diem. Diem and his brother are assassinated after this.
  • Kennedy Assassinated

    Kennedy Assassinated
    JFK is assassinated in Dallas. Warren Commission says he was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald, but other evidence leads to many conspiracy theories. Lyndon B. Johnson is sworn in as the next president. Unlike Kennedy, Johnson will become much more active in the war with Vietnam.