The Great Northern War
The Great Northern War lasted from 1700 to 1721. The Great Northern War was fought between Sweden's Charles XII and a coalition lead by Peter the Great. By the end of the war, Sweden had lost the supremacy as the leading power in the Baltic region and was replaced by Russia’s Peter the Great. -
The Decembrist Revolt
Russian army led 3000 soliders in protest against Nicholas the 1's assumption of the throne after his older brother Constantine removed himself from the line of succession. This happend in Dececmber so the rebels were called Decembrists. -
Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
The 1861 Emancipation Manifesto said that the serfs on private land would receive their liberty. More than twenty-three million serfs were granted the full rights of free citizens, gaining the rights to marry without consent, to own property and to own a business. The Manifesto also said that peasants would be able to buy the land from the landlords. Household serfs were the worst affected as they gained only their freedom and no land. -
The Assassination of Alexander II
On Sunday Alexander II did his regularly military roll call in Mikhailovsky Manège. He was followed by two sleighs and was flanked. A bomb was thrown under the emperor 's carriage but it only damaged the bullet proof carriage that he was in. The guards urged Alexander II to leave the explosion area at once. However another bomb was thrown and detonated, this time at the emperor’s feet. His face was mutilated, his legs were torn away, and he died bleeding out on the ground. -
Russo- Japanese War
It was the first great war of the 20th century. Russia wanted a warm water port on the pacific for there navy and maritime trade. Negotiations between the Russia and Japan were inpractical and Japan chose war to gain dominance in Korea. After discussion broke down in 1904 the japanese navy attacked the russians fleet and won. The Russians were poorly organized and the Japanese defeated them which was unexpected by world observers. -
Bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday was taken place in St. Petersburg, Russia where unarmed, peaceful protesters went marching to present a petition to the Nicholas II were gunned down by the Imperial guard while approaching the city center. Bloody Sunday was an event with grave consequences for the Tsarist regime, as the disregard for ordinary people shown by the massacre undermined support for the state. -
Revolution of 1905
The 1905 Russian Revolution was a wave of mass political and social unrest that spread through vast areas of the Russian Empire. Some of it was directed against the government, while some was undirected. It included worker strikes, peasant unrest, and military revolts. It led to the establishment of limited constitutional monarchy, the State Duma of the Russian Empire, the multi- party system, and the Russian Constitution of 1906. -
World War 1
United Kingdom, Russia, and france vs Germany, Austria- Hungary, and Italy were the major alliances during WW1. Russia came into the war with the largest military in the world. Russia on the other hand didn't have enough weapons and to supply the army. The weapons the did have were outdated and the German army crushed them. Russia lost the war with millions killed and there nation was on the verge of collapsing. WW1 ended for russia when they accepted a treaty on March 3, 1918. -
March Revolution
The March revolution was focused around the revolution of St. Petersburg. Members of the imperial parliament thought they controlled the country and formed the Russian Provisional Government. The army’s leaders did not think they had the means to suppress the revolution and Nicholas II, the last Emperor of Russia, abdicated. The Soviets, initially permitted the Provisional Government to rule, but insisted on a prerogative to influence the government and control various militias. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne
Under his rule, Russia was defeated in the Russo Japanese War, including the almost total annihilation of the Russian fleet at the battle of Tsuhima. He joined WW1 which was a war in which 3.3 million Russians were killed. The Imperial Army's severe losses and the monarchy's terrible way of handling of the war, along with other policies directed by Nicholas during his reign, are often blamed as the leading causes of the fall of the Romanov dynasty.