The Great Nothern War
Was a war in which the powers of Russia fought against The Swedish Empire in Northern Europe. This war took place in Northern, Eastern, and Centeral Europe and lasted until about !721. After the war Russia had gained Three Swedish dominions Estonia, Livonia, and Ingeria. (Not sure of the day it actually started. -
Assassination of Alexander II
On his natural Sunday route, he was making his way to military roll call. He was riding in a closed carriage and was accompanied by 6 other carriages along with police and many guards. Then someone emerged from the side of the road and threw a bomb under the carriage. Only a few people where injured and the Alexander stepped out onharmed. Then a second bomb was thrown at him and he was killed. -
The Decembrist Revolt
When Nicholas I got appoionted to Czar many people where unhappy that Constantine was not appointed. They didnt agree with Nicholas's conseravative views and wanted reform. When Nicholas the first refused to give into reform, the military gathered 3,000 troops uprised the Czar. -
Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
In previous years, Alexander had gone and talked to the gentry in Moscow. He tried to convice them to free the serfs. After a big commitee meet to discuss this, hey finally agreed. In march 1861he made the Emancipation Manifesto. This allowed the serfs to become free as long as they paid their owners for their freedom collectivly -
The Russo-Japanese War
The Russo-Japnese war, which went from 8 February 1904 – 5 September 1905,was the first great war of the 20th century. It grew out of the rivalry between the Russian and Japanese Empires. This war was ended with the Treaty of Portsmouth. This treaty made both armies evacuate the current city of fighting and return home. It also made Japan lease railroads in Russia, but they also got an Island that was once Russian. -
Bloody Sunday
On this Sunday Father Gapon gathered and les peaceful marchers, men women and children, to petition the Czar. Thinking that they were going to start an uprising with violence soldiers were sent out to meet them. They then opened fired kiling some 100 marchers. This helped start the Revolution of 1905 -
The Revolution of 1905
Bloody Sunday sent mass political and social unrest through the Russian Empire. Some of the anger was directed right at the government and czars, while some of it wasn't directed to anything. The Revolutionaries, who were headed by soviet, leader and included peasants and workers who took on the powers of the government. In the end the Revolutionaries were defeated and the czars kept power. -
World War I ( Russia's involvement)
In 1907 Russia joined Britian and France to form the Triple Entente. They took on the Triple Alliance which consisted of Germany, Italy, and Austria Hungary. Even though Russia contributed the largest army, they were poor in funds, railroads, and transportation. Even though the Triple Entente was strong the allies won which ended the German, Russian, Ottoman, and Austrio Hungary empires. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne.
At the end of the Februaury Revolution, Czar Nicholas II chose to abdicate his throne. He wanted to do this in favour Tsarevich Alexei but then changed his mind. He then made a new manifesto saying that his brother, Grand Duke Michael would be the next Emperor of all of Russia. -
The March Revolution
This Revolution was focused in St. Petersburg. During this time the Duma assumed control of the country forming the Russian Provisional Government. With the the government not having much power, and Nicholas II being abdicated, Russia wasn't quite sure that hey would get the power back. They eventually fired an attack with their army that ended in much fatality and the Bolshevik's gaining power.