The Great Northern War
Peter the Great was the ruler of Russia during the The Great Northern War. The Great Northern War lasted from 1700 to 1721. Russia was in the war to gain land towards the Baltic to have access to the Baltic Sea. However, Sweden was blocking them from getting near the Baltic. Peter the Great failed to gain access. -
The Decembrist Revolt
On this day, the Russian military was to swear their loyalty to Czar Nicholas I. However, a rebellion happened among about 3,000 Russian soldiers. A couple hours after this, the order was given to open fire on these soldiers. This whole revolt was caused because of Nicholas I's conversative views, while a lot of the country wanted more free policies. -
Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
Serfdom was originally necassary to get food, get work done, and for military purposes to keep the economy going. However, this did not work for much longer. This is because the serfs protests and rebelled. After this happened, Alexander II declared to serfs to be free. -
The Assassination of Alexander II
Alexander II was assasinated in the streets of Russia by a bomb. A terrorist group, "People's Will", killed him. The "People's Will" wanted to take over the autocracy of Russia. Alexander II's assassions were hung. Alexander II's successor was his son, Alexander III. -
The Russo-Japanese War
The Russo-Japanese War seperated Nicholas II from his people. The politcal parties that were starting under the control of Nicholas II did not believe in war. The war caused protests and rebellions because Russia did not want to go to war. However, Nicholas II believed that war would've brought the country closer to the Czar, but the oppisote resulted from the war. -
Bloody Sunday
A group of workers stromed the Winter's Palace. They demanded their rights, but instead of getting what they wanted got shot down. Imperial soldiers opened fire on the people. This killed and wounded hundreds of people. This is one of many factors that caused tension to raise in Russia. -
The Revolution of 1905
The Revolution of 1905 started with Bloody Sunday. After the population learned what had happened, massive strikes happened throughout Russia. Over 400,000 people protested. They started to make their own political parties for their movement. Soldiers were constantly sent to restore law and order within Russia, but nothing effective ever happened. -
World War I (Russian Involvement)
World War I caused devastating harm to Russia. Nicholas II was the ruler at the time of World War I. The revolution was caused by many reasons, including World War I. Russia was scarve for food supply and fuel throughout the war. -
March Revolution 1917
After the first World War, and millions of Russians dead, the Russian people were fed up. Then came the assassination of Rasputin, Nicholas II, and Nicholas II's family. Riots were getting incredible, and eventually led to the communists taking over Russia in November 1917. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne
Due to the uprising in Russia, Czar Nicholas II was forced to abdictate his throne as Czar of Russia. After a series of protest, an attempt of a revolution, and the entering of World War I. Nicholas II was no longer Czar of Russia. He was a weak leader, and did not succeed in anything, or make the country better in any way, making the governement look weak compared to the Bulshevik's.