Events leading up to the russian revolution

By larsety
  • The Great Northern War

    The war went from 1700 to 1721 and Russia gained Sweidsh territory around the Baltic sea. When they gained the terriotory around the sea they started using there new territory largly
  • The Decembrist Revlolt

    The Decembrist Revlolt
    It was a revolution held by the upper classes and they revolted against Nicholas I after the death of Alexander I. It unfortunatly failed but it still had a affect on the people of Russia. Mainly because it inpired other people t orevolt agasint the czars power
  • Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs

    Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
    What Alexander II did to help emancipate and free the serfs was that he created the Emancipation Act of 1861 which gave millions of serfs freedom. How this lead to the russian revolution was because more people that were serfs now have an opinion or atleast somewhat of an opinion towards the government and it made more people want a democratic republic and thye eventually revolted for it later on during the russian revolution.
  • The Assassination of Alexander II

    The Assassination of Alexander II
    Alexander II was killed by a bombing on the streets of St.petersburg by a group of people called "People's Will" and they did it to try and overthrow the Russian autocracy. How this affected the revolution is because he was killed on the day he signed the Loris-Melikov constitution which would would have created two legislative commissions made up of indirectly elected representatives.
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne

    Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne
    Nicholas II becomnes the czar and he was the son of Alexander III. When he came czar though they said that he was unsuited for the job especially see that it was ruling a vast empire. He ruled during a war between Russia and Japan which they ended losing terribly and it inspired them to start industrializing which lead more and mre to the russian revolution
  • The Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War
    The war started Febuary 8th 1904 and ended September 5th 1905. The war was basicely a disaster in everyway for Russia. The war was started to divert everyones eyes from the struggles that were going on in the country towards the war, but it never really became popular enough in Russia. How it lead to the Russian Revolution was that they descided after the large defeat to start industrializing and many serfs started working in industries
  • The Revolution of 1905

    The Revolution of 1905
    The revolution was started because the czar wanted to change the government from him being an autocracy to a conctituional monochary. This caused many strikes and even terrorist attacks towards the czar. Seeing that the people still wern't pleased they continued to revolt for a democratic republic and they continued to revolt towards the Russian Revolution.
  • Bloody Sunday

     Bloody Sunday
    Bloody Sunday was when many people met up in St.Petersburg and they were on strike towards the czar but Nicholas (the czar at the time) was not actually there. The lead police officer ended up forcing an open fire onto the crowd killing many civilians. How this affected the Russian Revolution is that it made a bad image of the Czar and the government and made civilians more and more want to uprise and revolt against the government.
  • Russia's involment in World War I

    Russia's involment in World War I
    World War I started June 28th 1914 and it ended in November 11th 1918. Because the war had many contries take part in it and each country had there own role and effect of the war as did Russia. They had a major role during the begining of the war and that was that they battled into the heart of Germany and took over Berlin. How World War I affected the Russian Revolution was because the war caused the country to focus more on the military and less on the people of the country.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    It was a series of events that happened in march that was the final even towards the over all revolution. such as on march 4th 50% of the people from the largest industry city demanded an increase in wages and refused to quit working. Then after a few more events royalty came to an end in Russia because the czar had left which was the final push towards russia revolutionizing.