The Great Northen War
The Northern War was a conflict between militaries of Russia, Denmark-Norway, and Saxony-Poland challanged the supremacy of Sweden in the Baltic Sea. The war resulted in the decline of Swedish influence and the emergeance of Russia becomeing a great power -
The Decembrist Revolt
The Decembrist Revolt was supposed to be a ceremony of the military was to swear allegience to the czar, however the several officers started a mutiny in their regiments. About three thousand people revolted against the czar. The czar tried to make ammends but had to order an "open fire" the revolt was crushed -
Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
Alexander II signs an act called the "Emancipation Act." When this happend millions of serfs we set to their own freedom. -
Assassination of Alexander II
A period of repression after 1866 led to a series of revolutionary terrorism and to Alexander’s own assassination. -
Czar Nicholas Abdicates the Throne
Czar Nicholas is forced to abdicate the throne which made him ruler of Russia. His czarship brought Russia great toil -
The Russo-Japanese War
The Russo-Japanese war was a rivalry between control of Korea and Manturia. The outcome was a loss to Russia and the victorious Japanese forced Russia to stop it's expansionist's party to the east this made Japan the first Asian power in the world to defeat a European power. -
Bloody Sunday
Thousands of serfs go on a march over the Winter Palace to present a loyal petition and asking for more wide-spread rights. This led to an open fire on the protesters over 100 people died. This also led to strikes in many different cities -
Revolution of 1905
The 1905 Revolution was the covinceing of Czar Nicholas II to change the government from autocracy to a constitutional monarchy. This was the event leading to Bloody Sunday. -
World War i Russian Involvement
In WW1 the Germans were wining the war and pushed closer and closer to Russia under the order of the czar troops were sent to prevent German troops from dominating Russia. The Russian troops were barely hanging on until the czar himself went there to the battlefield. The outcome of this was a huge revolution. -
The Russian Revolution
The revolutions were the begining of the end of czarships, This event put an end to czars.