Dec 1, 1200
mongol rule
mongols from central asia conquered a huge empire that streched from china to eastern europe. in 1240, a group of mongols, called tartars by the russians, destoryed kiev and other russian cites. ruled for nealy 250 years collected the heavy tribute, or taxes. anyone who refused to pay the tribute was bruttly punnished -
Oct 18, 1462
Ivan III
in 1480, he ended the mongol rule by refusing to pay any more tribute. then the mongols were to weak to challenge Ivan. his nickname was Ivan the great. -
The Great Northern War
basically it was a war between russia and swedan and russia was traying to get a way to inport and export goods the ruler at the time was peter the great -
decemberist revolt
uprising in russia in which a small group of nobles and army officers tried to overthrow the czars government -
Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
Serfs were granted the full rights of free citizens, gaining the rights to marry without having to gain consent, to own property and to own a business. they gained freedom but no land -
The Assassination of Alexander II
a bomb thrown by a member of the revolutionary "People's Will" group. -
The Russo-Japanese War
Japanese Navy attacked the Russian eastern fleet at Port Arthur The Russians were poorly organized and the Japanese defeated them in a series of battles on land and at sea. -
Bloody Sunday
unarmed demonstrators marching to present a petition to Tsar Nicholas II were fired upon by soldiers of the Imperial Guard when approaching the city center and the Winter Palace from several gathering points. -
The Revolution of 1905
Some of it was directed against the government, while some was undirected. It included worker strikes, peasant unrest, and military mutinies. -
World War I
World War I started because of the assassination of Austria's Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie. russia was allied with serbia. -
The March Revolution
the First World War had cost Russia millions of lives. those not actually fighting had to face serious food shortages. people were getting killed and the mob kept on getting more mad and more mad because of what was hapining. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne
Czar Nicholas II, ruler of Russia since 1894, is forced to abdicate the throne on March 15,1917, after strikes and general revolts break out in St. Petersburg -
Kievan Rus'
the first russian state was descovered in the late A.D. 800's in today ukraian. vikings from scandinavia conquered time. most likely the two most important byxantine contributoins were a system of writing and the christian religion. -
Prnice Vladimir
the efforts of missionaries as well as trading contacts convinced the ruler of Kiev, Prince Vladimir, to convert to Byzantine christainianty.