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The Great Northern War
Peter the Great attacked Sweden in order to have access Baltic Sea. He allied with Poland and Denmark. On territory that he had won during the war, Peter built St. Petersburg in 1703. The Treaty of Nystad brought the war to an end and Russia received Swedish provinces on the Baltic Sea. -
The Decembrist Revolt
The Decembrist Revolt was when a a small group of nobles and soldiers tried to overthrow the czar. Nicolas I quickly crushed the attempt. He responded with brutal repression. Nicolas focused on the schools and universities as centers of unrest. He sentenced over 150,000 people with treason and sent them to Siberia. -
Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
The freed serfs gained a few political rights and were allowed to keep their homes and tools, but they had to buy land at high prices. Having to pay high taxes and heavy depts, most still lived in poverty. -
Alexander II is Assainated
He is murdered by a bomb rolled under his carriage. Because of this, waves of violence are sent out, mainly towards Jewish. He is succeded by his son, Alexander III. Under his son, Revolution organizations are compleatly crushed. -
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The Russo-Japanese War
Russia was in a disagreement with Japan over Korea and Manchuria. Russia was defeated and had increased economic hardships at home. -
Bloody Sunday
Father Georgi Gapon planned a peaceful march of factory workers to the czar's palace. There, the workers would then present a petition to Nicolas II. The petition would be asking for better working conditions and some political freedom. As the procession came upon the palace, the czar's soldiers marched out to block the entrance. Father Gapon belieleved that they would not fire upon inoccents. Gunshots rang out and Gapon was in disbelief. When the massacre ends, more than 100 marchers lay dead. -
Bloody Sunday 2
Hundreds more were severly wonded. The events of Bloody Sunday caused the Revolution of 1905. -
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Revolution of 1905
It lead to a soviet, or worker's council, in St. Petersburg. Czar Nicolas II formed a duma in response. -
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World War I
Russia faught against the Triple Alliance (soon to be the Central Powers) with the Triple Entente (later become the Allies). The Triple Entente included Russia, France, Britan and later the United States. Fighting begins on the Russia/Germany front after Russia ignores Germany's request to have France declare itself neutral in the event of war between Russia and Germany. Russia signs the treaty that is formed in 1919. Russia also agree to support the League of Nation, an organization to help pre -
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World War I (2)
March Revolution
Lead to the abdication of Nicolas II and the installation of a provisional government. -
Czar Nicolas II abdicates the Russian Throne
Food shortages in early 1917 caused mass rioting in the capitol. The soldiers desterted to join the people. The Duma demanded that Nicolas abdicate his throne. He and his family are exiled to Siberia. Later, they are executed so that no one knows what happened.