The Great Northern War
Peter the great formed and alliance with Poland, Saxony, and Denmark, which started the war. He only waged this war for access to the Balctic and Black Seas. Early in the war, Peter lost to the Swedish king Charles XII. Luckily for Peter the king spared the Russian army to destroy Saxony, in hopes of making Poland have a good king. In the end with Peter's strategy, he completely destroyed the Swedish king forcing him to escape to Turkey. -
Decembrist Revolt
Kondraty Fyodorovich Ryleyev lead the Decembrist Revolt against Czar Nicholoas the first. The group of people who helped with this felt threatened by his conservative views. The battle was not long fought as the 3,000 men were not very coordinated in their attack, and they were quickly disposed of by Czar Nicholas's men. All men who were involved and captured were either hung, or banished to Siberia. During the battle only about 70 rebels died. -
Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
(Couldn't find exact date)Serfdom was abolished completely by imperial command. The serfs made up roughly 1/3 of the population. Serfs were set free. Ex-Serfs could then own property, buy land assigned to them by their master as a serf, to marry freely, to trade freely, to sue in courts and they could vote in elections. -
The Assassination of Czar Alexander II
The "People's Will" group made several attempts on Alexander's life before this before successfully doing so with a bomb. As he did abolish serfdom, these men did not seem to care. When his authority was challenged, he turned repressive and opposed political reform movements. His assassins were arressted and hung. He was succeded by Alexander the III, his 36-year old son. -
Czar Nicholas the Second abdicates the Russian throne
Czar Nicholas the Second was forced to take the throne. He was not trained to control Russia, nor did he feel inclined to do so. He also led the Russians into the Russian Revolution of 1905 because of the horrible outcome of the Russo-Japanese War he led them into the Russian Revolution. Then in 1914 when he led the Russians into another war which caused a shortage of food. Finally on July 16, 1986, his family and several of his servants were killed. -
Russo-Japanese war
This war was started over the want for the control of Korea and Manchuria. They both wanted control over Port Arthur in Manchuria. Japan won this war in the end. It allowed Japan to force Russia to abandon their expantionist policy in the Far East. -
Bloody Sunday
Czar Nicholas II was in power at this time, however as he was not the best czar. He fell under influence of the "mad monk" Rasputin due to the fact that Alexi had a horrible disease. Father Gapon finally decided to form a march to the Winter Palace with many workers, women and children. They were fired upon, and hundreds were killed, and hundreds more were wounded. Due to this many strike and riots were formed, so the czar released many dumas to work towards fixing this. -
Revolution of 1905
This event was sparked by the peacful protest of Bloody Sunday. Serfs attacked their masters homes. The Grand Duke Sergei was also assassinated. Finally in December he had soldiers returning from the Russo-Japanese War to defuse all the protesters at moscow as well as the other cities that had riots. -
World War 1-Russian involvememnt
The Russians came into the war with the largest army in the world at 5,000,000 when fully deployed, however they could not fully arm all of them. Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich lead the war in place of Nicholas's place. 8 bil. was the war debt Russia now had. Between 900,000 and 2.5 million Russians were killed. 1.5 mil. to 5 million Russians suffered battle wounds. On top of that nearly 4 million Russians were held as POW this was insane as Germany, Britain and France -
March Revolution
With Rasputin dead, and Lennin out of the country, Russia's people became very angry. The World War caused money and food shortages, as well as ending millions of lives. In the largest factory, workers asked for a 50% salary increase to acquire food. They went on strike when this was refused. 30,000 workers were locked out of work. On March 9th riots were getting worse and the Duma tried to get the Czar to release emergency food supplies, however he demenaded the riots to end by the next day.