The Great Northern War
Peter The Great wanted to reorganize his army. By 1700 he felt strong enough to attack Sweden to ensure Russia's way to the Baltic Coast. Peter The great started the Great Northern War with Poland and Denmark as allies. The Great Northern War ended with the Treaty of Nystad. Because of the Russian victory, the Russian Empire was formed on Novemeber 2nd, 1721. -
The Decembrist Revolt
The Decembrist Revolt was a small group of nobles and army officers. This group of people tried to overthrow the czar's government. Even though The Decembrist Revolt failed, they became heroes to later generations of society. Because of The Decembrist Revolt, Nicholas II imposed strict censorship, banned bookes from the West, and targeted schools and universiteies of centers of unrest. Nicholas II's secret police force also spyed on students, teachers, and even government officials. -
Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
The Emancipations of the Serfs gave the serfs full rights of free citizens. The Serfs could marry without needing consent, they could also own property and a business. -
The Russo-Japanese War
The Russo-Japanese War grew out a rival between the Russian Empire and the Empire of Japan over Manchuria and Korea. The war resulted in a Japanese Vicotry. The war ended with the Treaty of Portsmouth. -
The Revolution of 1905
The Revolution of 1905 was a mass of social and political unrest that spead throughout areas of the Russian Empire. The result of The Revolution of 1905 was that the Revolutionaires were defeated and Nicholas II kept his throne. -
World War I
World War I was started because of the conflicts and hostilitys between the Great Eupoean Powers.This war was the most deadly war the world has had every witnesed to that time. More than 25 countries had participated, they either joined the Allied or the Central Powers. 8.5 million soldiers died and 21 million were injured because of this war. Because of
World War I the allied powers signed the Treaty of Versaillies. Also, after the war, politcal, social, and culteral ideas changed. -
The March Revolution
The March Revolution started with a riot and many stikes in St. Petersburg. This unrest was happening mostly because of the food shortages. The other part was because of a worsening economy. The March Revoltion ended with a Bolshevik victory, Nicholas II gave up his place with the throne, and there was a collapse of the Imperial Government and the Provisional Government. -
Czar Nicholas II Abdicates The Russian Throne
Nicholas got resigned from his throne, and because of this him and his family were forced to move to Siberia. Later in Siberia, Nicholas II and his family got executed. -
The Assassination of Nicholas II
In the early morning of July 17th, 1918, Nicholas II and his family we're brought down to the cellar of their prisoner house and we're executed together. Because of Nicholas II's assassination, -
Bloody Sunday
Thousands of men, women, and children (all unarmed) would show a petition to Nicholas II and ask him for better working conditions and some political freedom. Instead of the people getting what they asked for, they got a massacre. The army fired and shot at the people. Because of the massacre, more than 100 people died, and hundreds more were severy hurt.